Torres Gemelas
Torres Gemelas is a viral video
Viral video
A viral video is one that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites, social media and email...

 that launched the career of singer Delfin Quishpe
Delfin Quishpe
Delfín Quishpe Signature move "El pasito del delfín" is an Indigenous Kichwa Ecuadorian singer-songwriter, rockstar, performing in a style he calls "Andean techno-folklore". His popularity largely comes from the comical nature of his music...

. The song is a modern lament
A lament or lamentation is a song, poem, or piece of music expressing grief, regret, or mourning.-History:Many of the oldest and most lasting poems in human history have been laments. Laments are present in both the Iliad and the Odyssey, and laments continued to be sung in elegiacs accompanied by...

 for the deaths of thousands, including a dear friend of Quishpe in the September 11 attacks.


In the video Quishpe flips on the television as he sits down on a couch. The news of the Islamist attacks on New York comes onto the screen. Quishpe rises to his feet crying "No puede ser, nooo..." (Eng.:"This cannot be, nooo...) then seques into song.
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