Torpa stenhus
Torpa stenhus is a well preserved medieval castles near Åsunden
Åsunden (Västergötland)
Åsunden is a lake in Västergötland, Sweden....

, in the county of Västra Götaland, Sweden
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....


The first stone house was built around 1470 by Privy Council Arvid Knutsson  as fortress against the Danes. Reconstruction and remodeling took during the 1500s and 1600s. The castle has a well-preserved Renaissance
The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. The term is also used more loosely to refer to the historical era, but since the changes of the Renaissance were not...

 interior. The chapel, which was decorated in the late 1600s, is in baroque
The Baroque is a period and the style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music...

 style. The castle is best known in history as the manor of the Swedish noble family of Stenbock. It was the residence of Catherine Stenbock, third and last consort of King Gustaf Vasa.

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