. He claims to have worked with "corporate entities and businesses all over the world; academics; Olympic athletes; children of all ages; governments; and high profile individuals, in teaching them how to maximize the use of their brain power."
Buzan was born in Palmers Green
, Enfield
, Middlesex
I use my head.(Head First, 2000)
Masturbation takes the form of both self appreciation and self stimulation. (Head First, 2000:130)
Marketing is called a hard skill, accountancy a hard skill.....that’s, if I may use this phrase, bullshit! The soft skills are marketing etc – they’ve got it backwards.
We teach mental literacy and radiant thinking; a revolution in human thought.
We damage so many kids and so many lives by saying "you're thick".
Did you know that you use less than 1% of your brain? The good news is that mind mapping can help you to access the other 99%!
The mind map will change your life.
The world is historically mentally illiterate.
Even traditionally well educated and literate individuals are significantly restricted by the fact that they are able to use only a fraction of the biological and conceptual thinking tools which are available (the mind map)
Normal linear note taking and writing will put you into a semi-hypnotic trance, while mind mapping will greatly enhance your left and right brain cognitive skills.