Toi gold mine
The galleries of the mine total about 100 kilometers in length, over a surface of 37 hectares, and go as deep as 180 meters below sea level. The area visible for tourism is about 350m long, and goes about 150 meters deep into mountain rock.Legacy
The mine is now partially open for visits, and has become a tourist attraction. A "Shrine of the mine gods" (山神社) is visible inside the galleries.The Toi Gold Museum
Toi Gold Museum
The is a museum on the subject of gold mining in ancient and modern Japan, which is located next to the Toi gold mine in the city of Toi, Shizuoka, Japan....
(土肥黄金館) has also been built nearby, which describes the history of the mine and gold mining in Japan. The museum received some fame for housing the world's largest gold bar
Gold bar
A gold bar is a quantity of refined metallic gold of any shape that is made by a bar producer meeting standard conditions of manufacture, labeling, and record keeping....
, weighing 250 kg, and representing a value of about $13 million in 2011. The bar obtained an official Guinness record certificate for "The largest manufactured pure gold bar":