Tobacco ringspot virus
Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV) is a plant pathogenic virus in the plant virus family Comoviridae
The Comovirinae are a subfamily within the family Secoviridae in the order of Picornavirales, including the following genera:*Genus Comovirus; type species: Cowpea mosaic virus*Genus Fabavirus; type species: Broad bean wilt virus 1...

. It is the type species of the Comoviridae Genus Nepovirus
Nepoviruses or nematode transmitted polyhedral viruses, are a genus of plant viruses of the family Secoviridae and subfamily Comovirinae...

. Nepoviruses are be transmitted between plants by nematodes. TRSV is also easily transmitted by sap inoculation and transmission in seeds has been reported

TRSV was observed for the first time in tobacco fields in Virginia and described in 1927 . It is an isometric particle with a bipartite RNA genome. The virus has a wide host range that includes field grown crops, ornamentals and weeds. Its name comes from the fact that its most common symptom is chlorotic ringspots on the leaves of infected plants .

A. B. C.

Symptoms and virus inclusions of Tobacco ringspot nepovirus in the host Zamia
Zamia is a genus of cycad of the family Zamiaceae, containing around 50 species, native to North, Central and South America. Species occur as far north as Georgia in the United States to as far south as Bolivia Zamia is a genus of cycad of the family Zamiaceae, containing around 50 species, native...

 furfuracea, the Cardboard Cycad
Cycads are seed plants typically characterized by a stout and woody trunk with a crown of large, hard and stiff, evergreen leaves. They usually have pinnate leaves. The individual plants are either all male or all female . Cycads vary in size from having a trunk that is only a few centimeters...

A. The first symptoms seen were chlorotic ringspots. With time they become necrotic. B. There are two types of inclusions found in leaf strips stained with Azure A (nucleic acid stain) , one is vacuolate (Vac Inc) and the other more crystalloid (Cyst Inc - darker spots). C. Vacuolate inclusions only.

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