Titanium metallic discoloration
Titanium metallic discoloration has been reported to have occurred with titanium-containing ointment causing papule
s on the penis of a patient. Titanium screws used for orthopedic procedures, if they come in close proximity to the skin, can also causes cutaneous blue-black hyperpigmentation.
A papule is a circumscribed, solid elevation of skin with no visible fluid, varying in size from a pinhead to 1 cm.With regard to the quote "...varying in size from a pinhead to 1cm," depending on which text is referenced, some authors state the cutoff between a papule and a plaque as 0.5cm,...
s on the penis of a patient. Titanium screws used for orthopedic procedures, if they come in close proximity to the skin, can also causes cutaneous blue-black hyperpigmentation.