Time Team (Series 13)
Series 13
Episode # refers to the air date order. The Time Team Specials are aired in between regular episodes, but are omitted from this listEpisode # | Series # | Episode Title | Location | Coordinates | Original airdate |
See also
- Time Team LiveTime Team LiveTime Team Live is a British television series that airs on Channel 4. The first programme was shown in 1997 and the most recent was in 2006...
- Time Team History Hunters
- Time Team DigsTime Team DigsTime Team Digs is a British television series that aired on Channel 4 in 2002. Presented by the actor Tony Robinson, the show is a spin-off of the archaeology series Time Team, that first aired on Channel 4 in 1994...
- Time Team ExtraTime Team ExtraTime Team Extra is a British television series that aired on Channel 4 in 1998. Presented by Robin Bush, it is a companion programme to the archaeology series Time Team, that first aired on Channel 4 in 1994....
- Time Team AmericaTime Team AmericaTime Team America is an American television series that airs on PBS. It premiered on July 8, 2009. It is an Oregon Public Broadcasting adaptation of the British show Time Team, produced in collaboration with Channel 4 which commissioned the original show, in which a team of archeologists and other...
- Time Team Specials
- Time Team OthersTime Team (Others)This is a list of Time Team other episodes. These are more documentaries and not really a regular type of episode.-Other:Episode # refer to the number in air date order which includes the specials episode which broadcast in between regular episodes-See also:...
External links
- Time Team at Channel4.com
- The Unofficial Time Team site Fan site