Tifanie Christun
Anime roles
- Digimon AdventureDigimon Adventureis a Japanese animated television series created in 1999 by Toei Animation based on the Digimon virtual pet made by Bandai. It is the first series of the Digimon anime "metaseries"...
/Digimon Adventure 02Digimon Adventure 02, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
- BiyomonBiyomonBiyomon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Her name derived from the onomatopoeia for , Biyomon is a small bird with much curiosity whose wings double as arms that she uses to grip objects...
, Yolei InoueYolei InoueYolei Inoue, known in Japan as , is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure 02. Yolei made a brief cameo in the film Our War Game! before debuting as one of the regular characters in Digimon Adventure 02.... - Digimon TamersDigimon Tamersis the third animated series based on the Japanese Digimon franchise, first broadcast in 2001 on Fuji TV in Japan and on Fox Kids in the United States. The story takes place initially in a "alternative" universe, on a world much like Earth where Digimon is just a franchise, composed of video games,...
- Riley Otori - Digimon FrontierDigimon Frontieris the 4th Digimon TV series first broadcast in 2002. After prompted to do so by unusual phone messages, the five main characters go to a subway station and take a train to the Digital World. Once there, they meet two secondary characters, Bokomon and Neemon, who act as guides, and tell the...
- Minomon (5), BiyomonBiyomonBiyomon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Her name derived from the onomatopoeia for , Biyomon is a small bird with much curiosity whose wings double as arms that she uses to grip objects...
(44), Chiaki - Flint the Time DetectiveFlint the Time DetectiveFlint the Time Detective, known in Japan as , is an animated Japanese television series directed by Hiroshi Fukutomi. It was based on a manga by Hideki Sonoda and Akira Yamauchi and was published by Kodansha in Japan...
- Sarah Goodman - Mon Colle KnightsMon Colle KnightsMon Colle Knights, known as in Japan, is an anime and manga series. The original concept was made by Hitoshi Yasuda and Group SNE. The series is based on Monster Collection trading card game....
- Kahimi, Additional Voices - Speed Racer XSpeed Racer XSpeed Racer X, known in Japan as , is a remake of the original 1967 series produced by Tatsunoko Productions, the same studio that did the original...
- Trixie, Spridle - Transformers: Robots in DisguiseTransformers: Robots in DisguiseTransformers: Robots in Disguise, known in Japan as , is a Japanese anime television series and serves as a self-contained universe separate from any of the other existing Transformers universes...
- Dorie Dutton
Non-anime roles
- The Kids from Room 402The Kids from Room 402The Kids from Room 402 is a television program that originally aired on Fox Family in the USA starting in 1999, previously aired on Teletoon, and currently airs in the UK.The show is focused primarily on the students from Room 402, as the title implies...
- Tillie - The Secret Files of the Spy DogsThe Secret Files of the Spy DogsThe Secret Files of the Spy Dogs is a children's animated series, produced by Saban Entertainment, that aired on Fox Kids from 1998 until it was cancelled in 1999.-Plot:...
- Additional Voices - Sabrina's Secret LifeSabrina's Secret LifeSabrina's Secret Life is an American animated television series based on the Archie Comics character Sabrina, the Teenage Witch produced by DiC Entertainment in partnership with Sony Pictures Television. It originally aired in syndication in 2003 as a spin-off of Sabrina: Friends Forever, Sabrina,...
- Cassandra - Stargate: Infinity - Stacey Bonner
- Jason and the Heroes of Mount OlympusJason and the Heroes of Mount OlympusJason and the Heroes of Mount Olympus was an animated TV series produced by Night Storms Productions and Saban Entertainment. The series stars the voices of Miles Marsico, Pat Fraley, John Morris, Tifanie Christun, Scott Bullock and Tom Bosley....
- Venus