Tian Fengshan
Tian Fengshan is a former Chinese
People's Republic of China
China , officially the People's Republic of China , is the most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres...

An official is someone who holds an office in an organization or government and participates in the exercise of authority .A government official or functionary is an official who is involved in public...

 and was charged for significant corruption.


He became a member of Communist Party of China
Communist Party of China
The Communist Party of China , also known as the Chinese Communist Party , is the founding and ruling political party of the People's Republic of China...

 in 1970.

Former positions include: Heilongjiang governor (February 1995), Minister of Land and Resources (March 2000). Tian was removed from this position in October 2003. In September 2004, the 4th plenary session of CPC 16th National Congress announced Investigation Report on Tian Fengshan by Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of CPC, and decided to deprive Tian of the membership of CPC Central Committee and expunge him from the Party. On December 27, 2005, charged with bribery, Tian was given a life sentence by Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court, with life-time political privileges deprived of and all personal belongings confiscated.

Tian was an alternate member of 14th Central Committee of Communist Party of China, and a full member of 15th and 16th Central Committees.

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