Thunderstrike (comics)
Thuderstrike, in comics, may refer to:
- Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson)Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson)Eric Masterson is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics Universe, a superhero that has appeared as Thor and later Thunderstrike. The character was introduced as a supporting character in the Thor title, but continued in several other comic books, including the self-titled series Thunderstrike...
, the original Thunderstrike and a 1993 series he starred in - Thunderstrike (Kevin Masterson)Thunderstrike (Kevin Masterson)Kevin Masterson, a fictional character that appeared in Marvel Comics. The character was first introduced as a supporting character in Thor and later in spin-off series Thunderstrike, as the son of Eric Masterson, the featured character of both series...
, his son, the Thunderstrike of the MC2 universe