Thomas Gomart
A French historian of international relations, Dr. Thomas Gomart (History – Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) is Director of the Russia/NIS Center at IFRI (Institut français des relations internationales) and of the trilingual electronic collection Russie.NEI.Visions in English
Russie.NEI.Visions in English
Russie.NEI.Visions is an online collection of policy papers each in French, English and Russian produced by the Russia/New Independent States Centre of the French Institute of International Relations , a think tank...


A Lavoisier Fellow at the State Institute for International Relations (University-MGIMO – Moscow), Visiting Fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies
European Union Institute for Security Studies
The European Union Institute for Security Studies is a Paris-based EU agency of the Common Foreign and Security Policy . Its goals are to find a common security culture for the EU, to help develop and project the CFSP, and to enrich Europe’s strategic debate.The EUISS is an autonomous agency with...

 (Paris) and Marie Curie Fellow at Department of War Studies (King’s College – London), Dr. Thomas Gomart writes on Russia and the post-Soviet area, especially the Russia-EU-USA relations and Russian civil-military relations. He is currently studying the concept of cyberpower.

Dr. Thomas Gomart is teaching at the French Military School of Saint-Cyr (use of military power in international relations and geopolitics of energy). He regularly contributes articles to the French and the international media.


  1. Editor

  1. Books

  1. Chapters
    • « La diplomatie culturelle française à l’égard de l’URSS : objectifs, moyens et obstacles (1956-1966)» , in J-F. Sirinelli et G-H. Soutou, Culture et Guerre froide, Paris, PUPS, 2008, p. 173-188
    • « Les services de renseignement français face à la menace soviétique au début des années soixante (1958-1964) », in B. Warusfel, Le Renseignement, Guerre, technique et politique (XIXe-XXe siècles), Paris, Lavauzelle-CEHD, 2007, p. 203-220
    • « Le dispositif du PCF dans les relations franco-soviétiques (1958-1964) », in M. Vaïsse, De Gaulle et la Russie, Paris, Cnrs éditions, 2006, p. 125-138
    • « Russie : trop-plein d’énergies ou d’inerties », in T. de Montbrial et P. Moreau Defarges, Ramses 2006, Paris, Dunod, 2005, p. 79-94
    • « Russie, Retour vers 2008 », in T. de Montbrial and P. Moreau Defarges, Ramses 2005, Paris, Dunod, 2004, p. 300-302
    • « Russie, Vladimir Poutine aux commandes », in T. de Montbrial and P. Moreau Defarges, Ramses 2004, Paris, Dunod, 2003, p. 328-330
    • « Les dilemmes de la coopération : prévention des conflits, gestion des crises et règlement des conflits », in D. Lynch, EU-Russian Security Dimensions, Paris, IES, Occasional Papers, n° 46, July 2003, p. 20-41

  1. Articles (since 2003)

Articles linked

  • Russie.NEI.Visions in English
    Russie.NEI.Visions in English
    Russie.NEI.Visions is an online collection of policy papers each in French, English and Russian produced by the Russia/New Independent States Centre of the French Institute of International Relations , a think tank...

  • Foreign relations of Russia
    Foreign relations of Russia
    The foreign relations of Russia is the policy of the Russian government by which it guides the interactions with other nations, their citizens and foreign organizations and sets standards of interaction for Russian organizations, corporations and individual citizens towards them...

  • Energy policy of Russia
    Energy policy of Russia
    The Energy policy of Russia is contained in an Energy Strategy document, which sets out policy for the period up to 2020. In 2000 the Russian government approved the main provisions of the Russian energy strategy to 2020, and in 2003 the new Russian energy strategy was confirmed by the government...

External links

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