Thomas Gainsford
Thomas Gainsford was an author and news editor.

Gainsford belonged to the Surrey
Surrey is a county in the South East of England and is one of the Home Counties. The county borders Greater London, Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex, Hampshire and Berkshire. The historic county town is Guildford. Surrey County Council sits at Kingston upon Thames, although this has been part of...

 family of Gainsford. He inherited property in Lombard Street in the City of London. He and Edward Stene apparently purchased of the crown Alne manor, Warwickshire
Warwickshire is a landlocked non-metropolitan county in the West Midlands region of England. The county town is Warwick, although the largest town is Nuneaton. The county is famous for being the birthplace of William Shakespeare...

, and a cottage in Stutton, Yorkshire
Yorkshire is a historic county of northern England and the largest in the United Kingdom. Because of its great size in comparison to other English counties, functions have been increasingly undertaken over time by its subdivisions, which have also been subject to periodic reform...

, on November 27, 1599 (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1598–1601, p. 347). He is known to have served in Ireland under Richard de Burgh, fourth earl of Clanricarde
Richard Burke, 4th Earl of Clanricarde
Richard Burke, 4th Earl of Clanricarde was an Irish nobleman. He was the son of Ulick Burke, 3rd Earl of Clanricarde and Honora Burke, daughter of John Burke....

, as "third officer" of the "earl's regiment" when the Spaniards were dislodged from Kinsale
Kinsale is a town in County Cork, Ireland. Located some 25 km south of Cork City on the coast near the Old Head of Kinsale, it sits at the mouth of the River Bandon and has a population of 2,257 which increases substantially during the summer months when the tourist season is at its peak and...

 on December 24, 1601 (Hist. … of … Tirone, ded.). He was also engaged in the war against Tyrone in Ulster
Ulster is one of the four provinces of Ireland, located in the north of the island. In ancient Ireland, it was one of the fifths ruled by a "king of over-kings" . Following the Norman invasion of Ireland, the ancient kingdoms were shired into a number of counties for administrative and judicial...

. As captain, Gainsford undertook to occupy land in Ulster at the plantation
Plantations of Ireland
Plantations in 16th and 17th century Ireland were the confiscation of land by the English crown and the colonisation of this land with settlers from England and the Scottish Lowlands....

 of 1610 (Irish State Papers, 1608–10, p. 367).
Gainsford is reputed to have been the first London periodical news editor. Ben Jonson, associating the source of these publications with the stationer Thomas Archer's bookshop in Pope's Head Alley between the Exchange and Lombard Street, referred to his work as
'Captaine Pamphlet's horse and foot that sally
Upon the Exchange at Pope's Head Alley
Gainsford became associated with the publications of the news syndicate formed in 1622 by Nathaniel Butter
Nathaniel Butter
Nathaniel Butter was a London publisher of the early 17th century. The publisher of the first edition of Shakespeare's King Lear in 1608, he has also been regarded as one of the first publishers of a newspaper in English....

, Thomas Archer, Nicholas Bourne, William Sheffard and Bartholomew Downes and was responsible for taking control of the style, organization and presentation of the news. He helped readers to understand news from many cities, armies and battle scenes that could otherwise have been confusing to those unfamiliar with European dynasties and armies but concerned by news of catholic advances in the Counter Reformation. In this way he played a part in educating them about military affairs and the progress of the Thirty Year's War.He also wrote many editorials 'To the Reader', establishing a relationship with readers and addressing them and their anxieties directly.

On September 4, 1624, Chamberlain wrote to Carleton that the deaths of the week in London included "Captain Gainsford, the gazette maker"

Other editors were employed by the London newspapers, including William Watts who is credited with editing The Swedish Intelligencer in the early 1630's, but none achieved the same level of notoriety and interest.

Known works

Gainsford published the following:

1. "The Vision and Discourse of Henry the seventh concerning the unitie of Great Britaine, Lond., by G. Eld for Henry Fetherstone, 1610," in verse of six-line stanzas; dedicated to "the truly religious and resolute gentlemen of England". An address from Henry VII
Henry VII
Henry VII may refer to:* Henry VII, Duke of Bavaria * Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor * Henry VII of England * Henry II of Sicily sometimes described as Henry of Germany...

 to James I
James I
James I may refer to:* King James I of Aragon * King James I of Sicily , also King James II of Aragon* James I, Count of La Marche , Count of Ponthieu...

 figures in the poem. Only two copies are now known, one at Bridgewater House, the other at the British Museum
British Museum
The British Museum is a museum of human history and culture in London. Its collections, which number more than seven million objects, are amongst the largest and most comprehensive in the world and originate from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its...

 (Collier, Bibliogr. Manual, i. 300–1; Corser, Collectanea, vol. vi.).

2. "The Historie of Trebizond in foure books, by Thomas Gainsforde, esquier," Lond., 1616, a collection of romantic stories. The books are separately dedicated to the Countess Dowager of Derby, the Countess of Huntingdon, Lady Frances Egerton, and Lady Chandos respectively.

3. "The Secretaries Studie; or directions for the … judicious inditing of Letters," Lond., 1616; no copy is in the British Museum.

4. "The True and Wonderfull History of Perkin Warbeck," Lond., 1618, dedicated to the Earl of Arundel; reprinted in "Harleian Miscellany
Harleian Miscellany
The Harleian Miscellany was a collection of material from the library of the Earl of Oxford collated and edited by Samuel Johnson between 1744 and 1753...

," vol. iii.

5. "The Glory of England, or a true Description of many excellent Prerogatives and remarkable Blessings whereby she triumpheth over all the Nations of the World," Lond., 1618, dedicated to Buckingham. All "the eminent kingdoms of the earth" are here compared with England to their disadvantage. A curious account of Ireland from the author's own experience concludes book i. Book ii. treats of Russia, and compares London with Paris, Venice, and Constantinople. A revised edition appeared in 1619, and was reissued in 1620.

6. "The True Exemplary and Remarkable History of the Earl of Tirone," Lond., 1619, dedicated to the Earl of Clanricarde; of no great value, but interesting as a nearly contemporary record.

Works attributed to Gainsford

Mr. W. C. Hazlitt also conjecturally assigns to Gainsford "The Rich Cabinet furnished with varietie of excellent discriptions, exquisite characters, witty discourses and delightfull histories, deuine and morrall," Lond., for Roger Iackson, 1616. An appendix—"an epitome of good manners extracted out of the treatise of M. Iohn della Casa called Galatea"—is signed T. G., together with a Latin motto. This signature resembles those in Gainsford's undoubted books, but the question of authorship is very doubtful. Some hostile remarks on players, ff. 116–18, are interesting. The book was popular; a fourth edition is dated 1668, and a sixth 1689.

"The Friers Chronicle, or the True Legend of Priests and Monkes Lives" (Lond., for Robert Mylbourne, 1623), has a dedication to the Countess of Devonshire, signed T. G., and has been attributed to Gainsford. But Thomas Goad
Thomas Goad
Thomas Goad was an English clergyman, controversial writer, and rector of Hadleigh, Suffolk. A participant at the Synod of Dort, he changed his views there from Calvinist to Arminian, against the sense of the meeting.-Life:...

(1576–1638) is more probably the author.
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