Theodor Creizenach
Theodor Creizenach was a German Jewish poet and historian of literature. He was the son of Michael Creizenach
Michael Creizenach
Michael Creizenach was a German Jewish educator and theologian.Creizenach is typical of the era of transition, following the epoch of Moses Mendelssohn...


He studied classical antiquities
Classical antiquity
Classical antiquity is a broad term for a long period of cultural history centered on the Mediterranean Sea, comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, collectively known as the Greco-Roman world...

 in Giessen, Göttingen
Göttingen is a university town in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is the capital of the district of Göttingen. The Leine river runs through the town. In 2006 the population was 129,686.-General information:...

, and Heidelberg
-Early history:Between 600,000 and 200,000 years ago, "Heidelberg Man" died at nearby Mauer. His jaw bone was discovered in 1907; with scientific dating, his remains were determined to be the earliest evidence of human life in Europe. In the 5th century BC, a Celtic fortress of refuge and place of...

, and then lived for several years at Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

 as tutor in the house of Aaron Anselm Rothschild. Upon his return from Paris in 1842 Creizenach became teacher in the Jewish Philanthropin at Frankfort-on-the-Main, and was one of the principal founders of the Frankfort Jewish Reformverein; in 1854, however, he abandoned the faith of his fathers and embraced Christianity
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings...

. Creizenach was made teacher of the Frankfort municipal high school in 1859, and appointed professor of history and literature at the Frankfort gymnasium in 1863.

In the literary world he attracted attention by his poetry: Dichtungen, Frankfort, 1839; and Gedichte, Frankfort, 1848; 2d ed., 1851. Being familiar with the personality and life of Goethe in his relations to Frankfort, he edited and published Goethe's correspondence with Marianne von Willemer, under the title Der Briefwechsel Zwischen Goethe und Marianne von Willemer, 2d ed., Stuttgart, 1878.

In conjunction with Oskar Jäger he took charge of the new edition of Friedrich Christoph Schlosser
Friedrich Christoph Schlosser
Friedrich Christoph Schlosser was a German historian.-Biography:He was born at Jever in the District of Friesland. He studied theology, mainly at Göttingen, and then tutored privately...

's Weltgeschichte, 1870 et seq.; and in conjunction with Otto Müller
Otto Müller (novelist)
Otto Müller was a German novelist.-Biography:He began his career as a librarian at the court library at Darmstadt and edited newspapers at Frankfurt and Mannheim. In 1854 he established the Frankfurter Museum. In 1856, he settled in Stuttgart.-Fiction:He early published a series of novels...

 edited a weekly publication, Das Frankfurter Museum.

Jewish Encyclopedia bibliography

  • Adolph Kohut, Berühmte Israelitische Männer und Frauen, xi. 383, Leipsic, 1901;
  • Meyers Konversations-Lexikon
    Meyers Konversations-Lexikon
    Meyers Konversations-Lexikon or Meyers Lexikon was a major German encyclopedia that existed in various editions, and several titles, from 1839 until 1984, when it merged with the Brockhaus encyclopedia....


By : Isidore Singer
Isidore Singer
Isidore Singer was an editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia and founder of the American League for the Rights of Man.-Biography:...

 & Benuel H. Brumberg

External links

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