The Vale Church, Guernsey
St. Michel du Valle is the parish church of Vale
, Guernsey
was a nephew of St Samson of Dol
, and was born about the year 535. The chapel in his name was mentioned in a bull of Pope Adrian IV as being in the patronage of Mont Saint Michel, in Normandy; all traces of the chapel have gone. While the chapel would probably be of a much later date, St Magloire, the British missionary
, may well have set up a centre of Christian worship before A.D. 600.
According to tradition, Robert II, Duke of Normandy
(the father of William the Conqueror) was journeying to England in 1032, to help Edward the Confessor. He was obliged to take shelter in Guernsey and gave land, now known as the Clos du Valle, to the monks. Furthermore, in 1061, when pirates attacked and pillaged the Island, a complaint was made to Duke William. He sent over Sampson D'Anneville, who succeeded, with the aid of the monks, in driving the pirates out. For this service, Sampson D' Anneville and the monks were rewarded with a grant of half the Island between them. The portion going to the monastery being known as Le Fief St Michel, and included the parishes of St Saviour
, St Pierre du Bois
, Ste. Marie du Catel
, and the Vale.
The Priory had the largest feudal court of all the Seigneuries, consisting of a Seneschal
, eleven Vavasseurs, a Greffier (registrar), six Bordiers, and a Batonnier (wand-bearer).
The official Seal of the Fief represented the Archangel Michael trampling Satan underfoot.
The Court of the Priory was only second to the Royal Court of Guernsey in importance, and retained its jurisdiction until 1862.
Although the Priors lived alongside the church there is nothing to show whether they themselves ministered to the spiritual needs of the parishioners, or whether they appointed Vicars.
In 1249, Henry, Canon of Blanchelande, was collated to the Vale Church by special dispensation, as they could not find a secular priests to accept the charge. This would imply that secular priests usually fulfilled this duty.
After 1312, the then Prior of the Vale, Guillaume Le Fievre, became Abbot of Mont St Michel, in Normandy
. The Priory was still functioning in 1478, though no longer under the Benedictine Order, and a Franciscan friar was appointed by Edward IV.
The present church, built alongside the Priory, was dedicated in 1117, and belongs to the parish. The Priory fell into disuse about 1414, some of its timbers being used to repair Castle Cornet
The church bears traces of monastic work in its architecture,the
mouldings and capitals. Another feature of the monastic influence is the irregularity of the layout. No angles are square, no walls are parallel, and the main axis of the Chancel is out of line with the main axis of the Nave. This deviation is well-known, being attributed to a desire to recall the tortured body of Jesus
on the cross.
On the South wall, near the Chancel, is a piscina
, one of four in the building.
On the granite arch above the pulpit is the carving of a spaniel's head - probably a mason's mark, and of the same design as one at the Town Church.
The masonry of the windows on the North side, like the doorways
at the West, forms curious hood moulds, to be seen from the outside
of the buildings.
In 1555,Thomas de Beaugy, previously Priest of Lihou, was in possession of the living of the Vale; he was the last Roman Catholic Curé on the Island and was present at the Court of Chief Pleas in 1572.
In 1585, a Protestant minister from France was appointed. In 1607, the Pastor of St Sampson
took charge of both parishes, and from this time the parishes continued to be united under the care of the same Minister, whose official title was Rector of S. Sampson's and Vicar of the Vale.
In 1859,the Crown ordered that the two parishes be held separately. The Rev. Thomas Bell, M.A., who had been a Curate
of the Vale, became Rector
The mosaic reredos was erected in 1904 by the parishioners as a mark of esteem for Thomas Bell's 50th year in the parish;he added another 10 years.
Some of the services of the church were in the French language until the 1920s.
The parishes in Guernsey were part of the Diocese of Coutances, Normandy, until the latter part of the 15th century, and were then transferred to the Diocese of Salisbury
, and then to the Diocese of Winchester
soon afterwards, where they remain.
At the end of the last century, a Mission Church was provided for the parish, and in 1923a Church Hall.
During the Occupation
, Mr. Ingrouille, Jr., was sentenced to imprisonment by the Nazis for five years of which he served four years in various prisons, the last being Brandenberg
, Germany
. He was found by a British Army
Officer and sent to hospital in Brussels
where he died on 13 June 1945. In 1946 his body was brought to Guernsey and buried in the Domaille Cemetery at the Vale church.
A stained glass window in memory of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Robin was placed on the south side in 1963. Blue carpets, curtains, and cushions have been provided by the members of the Mothers' Union, and carpeting in the North aisle.
In 1966 the heating system was completely replaced by a gas-fired boiler and radiators. Also in 1966 the old slates were removed from the roof, and rafters, felting and new slates supplied: The work continued into 1967.The Vestry roof needed all new timbers and slates.
present bells were given in his memory by his parents.
The inscription reads:
Eglise de S. Michel-du-Valle ~ Paques 1891
Cette Eglise possedait autrefois trois cloches d'une date tres ancienne, mais inconnue, elles portaient les inscriptions suivantes:
1. Me melior vere non est compana sub ere.
2. Est mihi collatum Jesu istud nomen amatum.
3. Plebs omnis plaudit ut me tam sepius audit.
En 1891 elles on ete refondues, et avec addition de nouveau metal, six cloches ont ete placees dans Ie clocher de cette eglise + une chambre pour les sonneurs a ete aussi construite, et d'autres travaux ont ete faits, pour faciliter l'entree au clocher. Les frais pour les nouvelles cloches et pour les susdits travaux ont ete fournis par Le Reverend Thomas Bell, M.A., Recteur de cette paroisse et Chanoine honoraire de la Cathedrale de Winchester, et par Blanche Henrietta Lihou sa femme, qui ont fait cette offrande, a la gloire de Dieu, et qui
desirent que ces cloches gardent la memoire de leur fils bienaime, Thomas Arthur Bell, qui est mort a Digbys, pres de la Ville d'Exeter Ie7Avril 1889,age de 36 ans.
Note Date cwts. qtrs. Ibs
Tenor B flat 1891 6 2 23
5th C 1891 5 1 19
4thD 1891 4 2 17
3rd E flat 1891 3 3 12
2ndF 1891 3 2 12
Treble G 1891 3 2 13
The six new bells, the largest weighing 63,4cwt in B flat, all have the inscription "RECAST BY JOHN WARNER & SONS LONDON 1891". They are hung for ringing in the base of the spire in a frame of iron castings bolted to timber foundation beams, probably the same beams which supported the old bells. In 1970 the bells were sent to the Whitechapel Bell Foundry to be retuned and rehung with new bearings and pulleys. In the year 2000 the bells were again removed from the frame so that it and the bell fittings could be refurbished. Two rolled steel joists were installed to provide additional support to the bellframe.
In 1891 Dean Bell had provided a ringing chamber below the bells, reached by the iron ladder up the outside of the church -not a pleasant approach on wet or windy days. However in 1976 the ringers were moved to the ground floor, the bells are now rung in the presence
of the congregation from around the font. Several peals have been rung on the bells, the first in 1959 by a band from England. The first by local band was rung in 1980 as an 80th birthday compliment to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.
Installation photograph of the Vale Church clock 1898. Coll. Christian Corbet, Canada.
All the Registers that were needing preservation or repair were sent to an Archivist in England for careful attention. The work was completed in 1970.
Two chalices, dated 1794, "Pour le service de L'Eglise du Valle." One chalice, late 19th century. Two patens and two salvers, 1794. Two flagons, 1860 and 1936. One ciborium, 1966. The parish is very poor as regards ancient vessels, this is accounted for by the fact that S.
Sampson's and the Vale were united for two centuries. When the division took place, the old plate remained with S. Sampson's.
Since 1967,a Chalice a Ciborium, and a Wafer Box, all in solid silver, have been presented to the Church; also a Ciborium for use at the Mission Church.
The lectern was presented to the Church by the Dean, The Rev'd Thomas Bell on the occasion of his golden wedding anniversary.
In 2007 the first ever fine art exhibition of paintings and sculptures was held in the Church. The exhibition was of the work of noted Canadian artist Christian Corbet a descendant of the Vale. Corbet donated 100% of all sales to the Church which exceeded over £5,000. The exhibition was officially opened by the Bailiff of Guernsey Geoffrey Rowland and the Vice Dean of Guernsey Rev. Kevin Charles Northover.
In 2007 Christian Corbet also donated the first ever bronze art medallion into the Church coll. entitled "St. Michael and His Sword".

, the number of Anglican clergy in the Island became reduced. The Rector of S. Michel du Valle was deported in 1942; his duties being taken over by the then Rector of St. Sampson's, giving him four churches in his care.
To cope with the situation, members of the laity officiated at services throughout the Island. One of those to be enlisted was Mr Harold Brache, our Licensed Reader.
Because of shortages of fuel for light and heat, and owing to the curfew, Evensong was held between the hours of 2.30 -4.00 p.m. No Confirmations could take place during 1941-1944.
Part of the Church Architecture
1179 Richard, de Vyville (Huivilla), Prior
1249 Henry, Canon of Blanchelande
1306 Jean de la Port (Duport), afterwards Abbot of Mont St. Michel
1323 Jean Le Caretier
1324 Renant Pastey
1325 William Fabri (Guillaume Le Febre)
1327 Jourdain Poingdestre
1335 Andre de la Porte (Duport)
1352 Richard Tyffanye
1364 Geoffrey de Carteret
1368 Jean de Guerin
1372 Brefard (time of descente des Saragousais
1479 Guillaume Paul
1480 Jean Bequerel
1490 Jean Corneille 1859
1497 Pierre Houssaye, died 1503
1503 George Elys, Doyen 1509,Resigned 1513
1513 Jean de Quetteville
1550 Jean Hurt
1555 Thomas de Beaugy
1585 Jean de Cherpont, d. 1587
1587 Noel Perruquet
1590 Jacques Guyneau, d. 1592
1592 Jean Marchand
1598 Jeremy Valpy, d. 1606
1606 Pierre Painsec
1607 Nicholas Efart
1607 Thomas Miletjun
16-Jean Boulon
1652 Thomas Piquot, d. 1604
1655 Thomas Le Marchant, resigned 1662
1662 Philip Brashmart, d. 1663
1665 Nicholas Noe
1687 Pierre Bely, d. 1710
1711 Nicholas Le Mesurier, d. 1721
1722 Francois Duplessis, d. 1729
1730 Thomas Williams
1743 Joseph du Queray, d. 1743
1743 Francois de Baupin, d. 1751
1752 Francois Guillaume Durand, d. 1789
1763 Jean Charles Bernel.
1767 Daniel Francois Durand
1774 Rene Martineau
1780 Gabriel Francois Guyneau
1789 Rene Martineau, d. 1816
1816 William John Chepmell.
Dean of Guernsey Rev'd Thomas Bell and Mrs. Bell.
1915 Frederick William Stamp Le Lievre, d.1939
1939 Grotius Alexander James, d.1961
1959 Kenneth Claude Cadman
1965 John Raymond Hancock, d.2000
1979 Peter Simpson
1992 Edward John Widdows
Vale, Guernsey
Vale is one of the ten parishes of Guernsey.Until 1806 the parish occupied territory on the mainland of Guernsey, the Vingtaine de l'Epine, as well as the whole of Le Clos du Valle, a tidal island forming the northern extremity of Guernsey separated from the mainland by La Braye du Valle, a tidal...
, Guernsey
Guernsey, officially the Bailiwick of Guernsey is a British Crown dependency in the English Channel off the coast of Normandy.The Bailiwick, as a governing entity, embraces not only all 10 parishes on the Island of Guernsey, but also the islands of Herm, Jethou, Burhou, and Lihou and their islet...
Early History of the Church
In January 1949 an Early Christian monument was unearthed outside the West door of the church. This stone dates from the 7th or 8th century. It is now situated outside the Baptistry, resting against the wall. This stone points to the presence of a Christian community on this site, somewhere about A.D.600. It is possible that there was a Christian community in the Vale at an even earlier date. A chapel, dedicated to St Magloire, stood in the Vale. St MagloireMagloire
Magloire is a Breton saint, one of a number attributed an origin the other side of the English Channel. He is traditionally given to be a relative of Samson of Dol, and his successor as bishop of Dol at the end of the seventh century. At the command of an angel, he gave up this position to Budoc,...
was a nephew of St Samson of Dol
Samson of Dol
Saint Samson of Dol was a Christian religious figure who is counted among the seven founder saints of Brittany. Born in southern Wales, he died in Dol-de-Bretagne, a small town in north Brittany.-Life:...
, and was born about the year 535. The chapel in his name was mentioned in a bull of Pope Adrian IV as being in the patronage of Mont Saint Michel, in Normandy; all traces of the chapel have gone. While the chapel would probably be of a much later date, St Magloire, the British missionary
A missionary is a member of a religious group sent into an area to do evangelism or ministries of service, such as education, literacy, social justice, health care and economic development. The word "mission" originates from 1598 when the Jesuits sent members abroad, derived from the Latin...
, may well have set up a centre of Christian worship before A.D. 600.
The Priory
Somewhere around A.D. 968, monks, from the Benedictine monastery of Mont St Michel, came to Guernsey to establish a community in the North of the Island. This area of Guernsey would form a separate island at high tide, and continued to do so until 1806. The Priory of Mont St Michel was a dependency of the famous Abbey of Mont St Michel. The last remaining stonework is a piece of buttressed wall to the South of the church, by the roadside.According to tradition, Robert II, Duke of Normandy
Robert II, Duke of Normandy
Robert the Magnificent , also called Robert the Devil , was the Duke of Normandy from 1027 until his death. Owing to uncertainty over the numbering of the Dukes of Normandy he is usually called Robert I, but sometimes Robert II with his ancestor Rollo as Robert I...
(the father of William the Conqueror) was journeying to England in 1032, to help Edward the Confessor. He was obliged to take shelter in Guernsey and gave land, now known as the Clos du Valle, to the monks. Furthermore, in 1061, when pirates attacked and pillaged the Island, a complaint was made to Duke William. He sent over Sampson D'Anneville, who succeeded, with the aid of the monks, in driving the pirates out. For this service, Sampson D' Anneville and the monks were rewarded with a grant of half the Island between them. The portion going to the monastery being known as Le Fief St Michel, and included the parishes of St Saviour
St Saviour's, Guernsey
St Saviour is one of the ten parishes of Guernsey.People from Saint Sauveux were traditionally nicknamed "fouormillaons" in Guernésiais....
, St Pierre du Bois
St Peter's, Guernsey
St Peter's , known officially as Saint Pierre du Bois is a parish in Guernsey...
, Ste. Marie du Catel
Castel, Guernsey
Castel is the largest Parish in Guernsey in terms of area.It hosts the North Show and Battle of Flowers in August, annually...
, and the Vale.
The Priory had the largest feudal court of all the Seigneuries, consisting of a Seneschal
A seneschal was an officer in the houses of important nobles in the Middle Ages. In the French administrative system of the Middle Ages, the sénéchal was also a royal officer in charge of justice and control of the administration in southern provinces, equivalent to the northern French bailli...
, eleven Vavasseurs, a Greffier (registrar), six Bordiers, and a Batonnier (wand-bearer).
The official Seal of the Fief represented the Archangel Michael trampling Satan underfoot.
The Court of the Priory was only second to the Royal Court of Guernsey in importance, and retained its jurisdiction until 1862.
Although the Priors lived alongside the church there is nothing to show whether they themselves ministered to the spiritual needs of the parishioners, or whether they appointed Vicars.
In 1249, Henry, Canon of Blanchelande, was collated to the Vale Church by special dispensation, as they could not find a secular priests to accept the charge. This would imply that secular priests usually fulfilled this duty.
After 1312, the then Prior of the Vale, Guillaume Le Fievre, became Abbot of Mont St Michel, in Normandy
Normandy is a geographical region corresponding to the former Duchy of Normandy. It is in France.The continental territory covers 30,627 km² and forms the preponderant part of Normandy and roughly 5% of the territory of France. It is divided for administrative purposes into two régions:...
. The Priory was still functioning in 1478, though no longer under the Benedictine Order, and a Franciscan friar was appointed by Edward IV.
The parish church
The site of the church makes it a landmark for seafarers, and from many points in the North of the Island one can glimpse this building. Prior to 1806 the church was reached by boat at high tide, the Braye du Valle being navigable for small craft.The present church, built alongside the Priory, was dedicated in 1117, and belongs to the parish. The Priory fell into disuse about 1414, some of its timbers being used to repair Castle Cornet
Castle Cornet
Castle Cornet is a large island castle in Guernsey, and former tidal island, also known as Cornet Rock or Castle Rock, which has been part of one of the breakwaters of St Peter Port's harbour, the main one in the island, since 1859.- Geography :...
The church bears traces of monastic work in its architecture,the
mouldings and capitals. Another feature of the monastic influence is the irregularity of the layout. No angles are square, no walls are parallel, and the main axis of the Chancel is out of line with the main axis of the Nave. This deviation is well-known, being attributed to a desire to recall the tortured body of Jesus
Jesus of Nazareth , commonly referred to as Jesus Christ or simply as Jesus or Christ, is the central figure of Christianity...
on the cross.
On the South wall, near the Chancel, is a piscina
A piscina is a shallow basin placed near the altar of a church, used for washing the communion vessels. The sacrarium is the drain itself. Anglicans usually refer to the basin, calling it a piscina. Roman Catholics usually refer to the drain, and by extension, the basin, as the sacrarium...
, one of four in the building.
On the granite arch above the pulpit is the carving of a spaniel's head - probably a mason's mark, and of the same design as one at the Town Church.
The masonry of the windows on the North side, like the doorways
at the West, forms curious hood moulds, to be seen from the outside
of the buildings.
In 1555,Thomas de Beaugy, previously Priest of Lihou, was in possession of the living of the Vale; he was the last Roman Catholic Curé on the Island and was present at the Court of Chief Pleas in 1572.
In 1585, a Protestant minister from France was appointed. In 1607, the Pastor of St Sampson
St Sampson's, Guernsey
Saint Sampson , is one of the parishes of Guernsey, Channel Islands.The Guernésiais nickname for people from St Sampson is roînes ....
took charge of both parishes, and from this time the parishes continued to be united under the care of the same Minister, whose official title was Rector of S. Sampson's and Vicar of the Vale.

A curate is a person who is invested with the care or cure of souls of a parish. In this sense "curate" correctly means a parish priest but in English-speaking countries a curate is an assistant to the parish priest...
of the Vale, became Rector
The word rector has a number of different meanings; it is widely used to refer to an academic, religious or political administrator...
The mosaic reredos was erected in 1904 by the parishioners as a mark of esteem for Thomas Bell's 50th year in the parish;he added another 10 years.
Some of the services of the church were in the French language until the 1920s.
The parishes in Guernsey were part of the Diocese of Coutances, Normandy, until the latter part of the 15th century, and were then transferred to the Diocese of Salisbury
Diocese of Salisbury
The Diocese of Salisbury is a Church of England diocese in the south of England. The diocese covers Dorset and most of Wiltshire and is a constituent diocese of the Province of Canterbury. The diocese is led by the Bishop of Salisbury and the diocesan synod...
, and then to the Diocese of Winchester
Diocese of Winchester
The Diocese of Winchester forms part of the Province of Canterbury of the Church of England.Founded in 676, it is one of the oldest and largest of the dioceses in England.The area of the diocese incorporates:...
soon afterwards, where they remain.
At the end of the last century, a Mission Church was provided for the parish, and in 1923a Church Hall.
Recent Additions
The window over the Altar at the Parish Church, dedicated by the Dean to the memory of the late Mr. J. H. Ingrouille (1920–1945), son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ingrouille, of La Miellette, Vale.During the Occupation
Occupation of the Channel Islands
The Channel Islands were occupied by Nazi Germany for much of World War II, from 30 June 1940 until the liberation on 9 May 1945. The Channel Islands are two British Crown dependencies and include the bailiwicks of Guernsey and Jersey as well as the smaller islands of Alderney and Sark...
, Mr. Ingrouille, Jr., was sentenced to imprisonment by the Nazis for five years of which he served four years in various prisons, the last being Brandenberg
Brandenberg is a municipality in Tyrol, Austria, in the district Kufstein. It consists of the Brandenberg village and the Aschau locality , and has a population of 1523 ....
, Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
. He was found by a British Army
British Army
The British Army is the land warfare branch of Her Majesty's Armed Forces in the United Kingdom. It came into being with the unification of the Kingdom of England and Scotland into the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. The new British Army incorporated Regiments that had already existed in England...
Officer and sent to hospital in Brussels
Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...
where he died on 13 June 1945. In 1946 his body was brought to Guernsey and buried in the Domaille Cemetery at the Vale church.
A stained glass window in memory of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Robin was placed on the south side in 1963. Blue carpets, curtains, and cushions have been provided by the members of the Mothers' Union, and carpeting in the North aisle.
In 1966 the heating system was completely replaced by a gas-fired boiler and radiators. Also in 1966 the old slates were removed from the roof, and rafters, felting and new slates supplied: The work continued into 1967.The Vestry roof needed all new timbers and slates.
The Bells
Whatever bells there were originally were replaced in the sixteenth century with three bells cast by the Exeter bell foundry, the tenor is said to have weighed about 14 cwt. These were hung in the base of the spire. They were rung from the ground floor or perhaps the former gallery at the back of the church. Their inscriptions are given in Latin on the brass plate on the tower pillar and explain, in French, the reason for their gift by the Rector, The Rev'd. Thomas A. Bell who became Rector of the Vale in 1859, and continued in that post until his death in 1914, by which time he was the oldest active clergyman in the Anglican Church. His son Arthur was born in 1852 and became a surgeon, but died at Digby's, near Exeter in 1889, and thepresent bells were given in his memory by his parents.
The inscription reads:
Eglise de S. Michel-du-Valle ~ Paques 1891
Cette Eglise possedait autrefois trois cloches d'une date tres ancienne, mais inconnue, elles portaient les inscriptions suivantes:
1. Me melior vere non est compana sub ere.
2. Est mihi collatum Jesu istud nomen amatum.
3. Plebs omnis plaudit ut me tam sepius audit.
En 1891 elles on ete refondues, et avec addition de nouveau metal, six cloches ont ete placees dans Ie clocher de cette eglise + une chambre pour les sonneurs a ete aussi construite, et d'autres travaux ont ete faits, pour faciliter l'entree au clocher. Les frais pour les nouvelles cloches et pour les susdits travaux ont ete fournis par Le Reverend Thomas Bell, M.A., Recteur de cette paroisse et Chanoine honoraire de la Cathedrale de Winchester, et par Blanche Henrietta Lihou sa femme, qui ont fait cette offrande, a la gloire de Dieu, et qui
desirent que ces cloches gardent la memoire de leur fils bienaime, Thomas Arthur Bell, qui est mort a Digbys, pres de la Ville d'Exeter Ie7Avril 1889,age de 36 ans.
Note Date cwts. qtrs. Ibs
Tenor B flat 1891 6 2 23
5th C 1891 5 1 19
4thD 1891 4 2 17
3rd E flat 1891 3 3 12
2ndF 1891 3 2 12
Treble G 1891 3 2 13
The six new bells, the largest weighing 63,4cwt in B flat, all have the inscription "RECAST BY JOHN WARNER & SONS LONDON 1891". They are hung for ringing in the base of the spire in a frame of iron castings bolted to timber foundation beams, probably the same beams which supported the old bells. In 1970 the bells were sent to the Whitechapel Bell Foundry to be retuned and rehung with new bearings and pulleys. In the year 2000 the bells were again removed from the frame so that it and the bell fittings could be refurbished. Two rolled steel joists were installed to provide additional support to the bellframe.
In 1891 Dean Bell had provided a ringing chamber below the bells, reached by the iron ladder up the outside of the church -not a pleasant approach on wet or windy days. However in 1976 the ringers were moved to the ground floor, the bells are now rung in the presence
of the congregation from around the font. Several peals have been rung on the bells, the first in 1959 by a band from England. The first by local band was rung in 1980 as an 80th birthday compliment to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.
The Church Clock
The clock with four faces was installed in the spire above the bells, in 1898 to commemorate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee the previous year. Originally driven by weights, it was electrified in 1970. It has Westminster chimes and strikes the hours.Installation photograph of the Vale Church clock 1898. Coll. Christian Corbet, Canada.
Church Records
The Church possesses records going back to 1580, though the earliest are in poor condition. The entries are in French up to 1939.All the Registers that were needing preservation or repair were sent to an Archivist in England for careful attention. The work was completed in 1970.
A complete set of Vestments were presented to the Church in 1967. A Cope, known as 'the Agnus Dei' Cope, was presented to the Church in 1970.Two chalices, dated 1794, "Pour le service de L'Eglise du Valle." One chalice, late 19th century. Two patens and two salvers, 1794. Two flagons, 1860 and 1936. One ciborium, 1966. The parish is very poor as regards ancient vessels, this is accounted for by the fact that S.
Sampson's and the Vale were united for two centuries. When the division took place, the old plate remained with S. Sampson's.
Since 1967,a Chalice a Ciborium, and a Wafer Box, all in solid silver, have been presented to the Church; also a Ciborium for use at the Mission Church.
The lectern was presented to the Church by the Dean, The Rev'd Thomas Bell on the occasion of his golden wedding anniversary.
In 2007 the first ever fine art exhibition of paintings and sculptures was held in the Church. The exhibition was of the work of noted Canadian artist Christian Corbet a descendant of the Vale. Corbet donated 100% of all sales to the Church which exceeded over £5,000. The exhibition was officially opened by the Bailiff of Guernsey Geoffrey Rowland and the Vice Dean of Guernsey Rev. Kevin Charles Northover.
In 2007 Christian Corbet also donated the first ever bronze art medallion into the Church coll. entitled "St. Michael and His Sword".

The Occupation
Owing to evacuation and deportation during the German Occupation of the Channel IslandsOccupation of the Channel Islands
The Channel Islands were occupied by Nazi Germany for much of World War II, from 30 June 1940 until the liberation on 9 May 1945. The Channel Islands are two British Crown dependencies and include the bailiwicks of Guernsey and Jersey as well as the smaller islands of Alderney and Sark...
, the number of Anglican clergy in the Island became reduced. The Rector of S. Michel du Valle was deported in 1942; his duties being taken over by the then Rector of St. Sampson's, giving him four churches in his care.
To cope with the situation, members of the laity officiated at services throughout the Island. One of those to be enlisted was Mr Harold Brache, our Licensed Reader.
Because of shortages of fuel for light and heat, and owing to the curfew, Evensong was held between the hours of 2.30 -4.00 p.m. No Confirmations could take place during 1941-1944.
Part of the Church Architecture
Priors of the Vale, Vicars of the Vale and Rectors of St Sampson
1156 Robert, pretre et Doyen du Valle1179 Richard, de Vyville (Huivilla), Prior
1249 Henry, Canon of Blanchelande
1306 Jean de la Port (Duport), afterwards Abbot of Mont St. Michel
1323 Jean Le Caretier
1324 Renant Pastey
1325 William Fabri (Guillaume Le Febre)
1327 Jourdain Poingdestre
1335 Andre de la Porte (Duport)
1352 Richard Tyffanye
1364 Geoffrey de Carteret
1368 Jean de Guerin
1372 Brefard (time of descente des Saragousais
1479 Guillaume Paul
Rectors of the Vale
1473 Jean Le Carpentier1480 Jean Bequerel
1490 Jean Corneille 1859
1497 Pierre Houssaye, died 1503
1503 George Elys, Doyen 1509,Resigned 1513
1513 Jean de Quetteville
1550 Jean Hurt
1555 Thomas de Beaugy
1585 Jean de Cherpont, d. 1587
1587 Noel Perruquet
1590 Jacques Guyneau, d. 1592
1592 Jean Marchand
1598 Jeremy Valpy, d. 1606
1606 Pierre Painsec
1607 Nicholas Efart
1607 Thomas Miletjun
16-Jean Boulon
1652 Thomas Piquot, d. 1604
1655 Thomas Le Marchant, resigned 1662
1662 Philip Brashmart, d. 1663
Vicars of the Vale and Rectors of St Sampson
1663 Elie des Hayes, d.17101665 Nicholas Noe
1687 Pierre Bely, d. 1710
1711 Nicholas Le Mesurier, d. 1721
1722 Francois Duplessis, d. 1729
1730 Thomas Williams
1743 Joseph du Queray, d. 1743
1743 Francois de Baupin, d. 1751
1752 Francois Guillaume Durand, d. 1789
1763 Jean Charles Bernel.
1767 Daniel Francois Durand
1774 Rene Martineau
1780 Gabriel Francois Guyneau
1789 Rene Martineau, d. 1816
1816 William John Chepmell.
Rectors of the Vale
1859 Thomas Bell, Dean of Guernsey 1892, d.1917Dean of Guernsey Rev'd Thomas Bell and Mrs. Bell.
1915 Frederick William Stamp Le Lievre, d.1939
1939 Grotius Alexander James, d.1961
1959 Kenneth Claude Cadman
1965 John Raymond Hancock, d.2000
1979 Peter Simpson
1992 Edward John Widdows