The Title
The Title are a four-piece indie band based in Stoke-on-Trent
Stoke-on-Trent , also called The Potteries is a city in Staffordshire, England, which forms a linear conurbation almost 12 miles long, with an area of . Together with the Borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme Stoke forms The Potteries Urban Area...

, signed with Sons Ltd. Their debut single, "Slippin' 'n' Slidin", charted at #15 in the UK indie charts with the follow-up, "Madman" charting at #5.


  • "Slippin 'n' Slidin" (June 21, 2007) SONS Records #15 UK
  • "Madman" (March 24, 2008) SONS Records #5 UK

External links

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