The Sundering (series)
The Shapers
Haomane First-Born:The first of the Shapers and has become the leader of the Six in facing the Sunderer. He created the Ellylon, who are immortal except if killed by steel. His Gift is thought, for which he is named Lord-of-Thought. He gave this Gift only to Elyll and Man, making them more intelligent than the other sapient races.Arahila the Fair:Born-of-the-Heart. Her gifts are grace, compassion, and love.
Satoris Third-Born:The leader of the forces of Darkhaven. Once named "The Sower" because of his gift, quickening of the flesh. His enemies have named him "Banewreaker" and "The Sunderer".
Neheris-of-the-Leaping-Waters:Creator of mountains and the Fjelltroll.
Meronin Fifth-Born:Creator of the deep seas.
Yrinna-of-the-Fruits:Creator of plants and the peaceful Dwarves.
Oronin Last-Born:Creator of Death and the Were.
Major characters
Lord General Tanaros Caveros Blacksword:The main point-of-view character through the series, Darkhaven's military leader. He is one of the Three, lieutenants of Satoris that were made immortal. He came to Satoris after his wife and king betrayed him by having an affair and a child together; Tanaros killed them both, earning the name "Kingslayer."Ushahin Dreamspinner:Another of the Three, Darkhaven's spymaster. A half-breed human/Ellylon, hated by both races and mutilated as a child, he was raised by the Were and now welcomes the insane and unwanted to Darkhaven.
Lord Vorax:A Staccian and one of the Three.
Cerelinde:An Ellyon princess and betrothed of Aracus Altorus
Blaise Cavaros:A kinsman of General Tanaros
Aracus Altorus:Betrothed of Cerelinde,
Malthus the Wise Counselor:Tutor of Aracus Altorus
Meara:A madwoman and servant in Darkhaven, subject to Ushahin's authority.
Fianna The Archer:An archer
Lilias:Sorceress of Beshtanag
Thulu:A Yarru man, Uncle and guide to Dani
Dani the Bearer:A Yarru youth, nephew of Thulu