The Sun Hill Fire (2005)
The Sun Hill Fire was a storyline in the long-running police procedural
Police procedural
The police procedural is a subgenre of detective fiction which attempts to convincingly depict the activities of a police force as they investigate crimes. While traditional detective novels usually concentrate on a single crime, police procedurals frequently depict investigations into several...

 British television series, The Bill
The Bill
The Bill is a police procedural television series that ran from October 1984 to August 2010. It focused on the lives and work of one shift of police officers, rather than on any particular aspect of police work...


Events of the Sun Hill Fire

During 2005, the fictional character of Colin Fairfax was added to the cast of Sun Hill Police Station
Police Station
Police Station is a American TV series that aired in syndication in 1959. Stories were taken from actual files.- Cast :*Baynes Barron as Sergeant White*Larry Kerr as Detective Chuck Mitchell*Henry Beckman as Detective Stan Abramson...

 as a Community Support Officer
Police community support officer
A police community support officer , or community support officer is a uniformed non-warranted officer employed by a territorial police force or the British Transport Police in England and Wales. Police community support officers were introduced in September 2002 by the Police Reform Act 2002...

. Later in the year, his position was terminated after his racist
Racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination. In the modern English language, the term "racism" is used predominantly as a pejorative epithet. It is applied especially to the practice or advocacy of racial discrimination of a pernicious nature...

 views being discovered. After Fairfax had been dismissed, Detective Constable Ken Drummond was sent to formally arrest Fairfax. After being knocked out
A knockout is a fight-ending, winning criterion in several full-contact combat sports, such as boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, mixed martial arts, Karate and others sports involving striking...

 by Fairfax, Ken awoke in a van laden with explosives hurtling towards Sun Hill Police Station. After Fairfax jumping out before the impact, the van crashed into the front office of Sun Hill and the explosives failed to go off. After Reg Hollis phoned Station Reception Officer Marilyn Chambers the spark allowed the explosives to ignite, causing an explosion to hurtle through the station.

The episode concluded two storylines: PC Hollis's relationship with SRO Chambers and the undercover journalist, Andrea Dunbar, who had infiltrated the ranks of Sun Hill to produce stories to sell to the press. Shortly before the bombing, Gabriel Kent had taken PC Dunbar hostage in a store-room, as she threatened to expose him as the Sun Hill Sniper who killed Kerry Young, and reveal his name as false, having assumed his foster brother's identity so he could join the police. As the explosion ripped through Sun Hill, the ceiling caved in on the store room trapping PC Dunbar, and PC Kent left her to die despite begging him to help her and promising she would destroy the evidence against him.

Characters involved in the fire

  • Constable Andrea Dunbar
  • Station Reception Officer Marilyn Chambers
  • Constable Gabriel Kent
  • Sergeant Dale Smith
  • Detective Constable Ken Drummond
  • Civil Support Staff Cleaner
    Cleaner is the name of a German project specializing in electronic music. Formerly known as Cleen, Myer released several albums on the American industrial music record label, Metropolis Records, as well as the labels Zoth Ommog and Accession Records....

     Margaret 'Maggie' Barnes
  • Detective Sergeant Ramani DeCosta
  • Sergeant June Ackland
  • Detctive Constable Jim Carver
  • PCSO
    Police community support officer
    A police community support officer , or community support officer is a uniformed non-warranted officer employed by a territorial police force or the British Transport Police in England and Wales. Police community support officers were introduced in September 2002 by the Police Reform Act 2002...

     Colin Fairfax


  • Detective Constable
    A constable is a person holding a particular office, most commonly in law enforcement. The office of constable can vary significantly in different jurisdictions.-Etymology:...

     Ken Drummond - Died
  • Constable
    A constable is a person holding a particular office, most commonly in law enforcement. The office of constable can vary significantly in different jurisdictions.-Etymology:...

     Andrea Dunbar - Died
  • SRO Marilyn Chambers - Hospitalised, later died
  • Sergeant
    Sergeant is a rank used in some form by most militaries, police forces, and other uniformed organizations around the world. Its origins are the Latin serviens, "one who serves", through the French term Sergent....

     Dale Smith
    Dale Smith (The Bill)
    Dale Smith is a fictional character played by Alex Walkinshaw in the British police procedural television series, The Bill. He first appeared in 1999 as a police constable, and eventually became inspector.-Character history:...

     - Hospitalised, recovered
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