The Perfect Matrimony
The Perfect Matrimony, or The Door to Enter Into Initiation, is the first of approximately seventy books written by Samael Aun Weor
Samael Aun Weor
Samael Aun Weor , born Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez, Colombian citizen and later Mexican, was an author, lecturer and founder of the 'Universal Christian Gnostic Movement' with his teaching of 'The Doctrine of Synthesis' of all religions in both their esoteric and exoteric aspects...

. It was first published in 1950 then revised and amplified in 1961.

It describes the esoteric teachings of alchemy
Alchemy is an influential philosophical tradition whose early practitioners’ claims to profound powers were known from antiquity. The defining objectives of alchemy are varied; these include the creation of the fabled philosopher's stone possessing powers including the capability of turning base...

, tantra
Tantra , anglicised tantricism or tantrism or tantram, is the name scholars give to an inter-religious spiritual movement that arose in medieval India, expressed in scriptures ....

, kabbalah
Kabbalah/Kabala is a discipline and school of thought concerned with the esoteric aspect of Rabbinic Judaism. It was systematized in 11th-13th century Hachmei Provence and Spain, and again after the Expulsion from Spain, in 16th century Ottoman Palestine...

, the mysteries of the Maya
Maya civilization
The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as for its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems. Initially established during the Pre-Classic period The Maya is a Mesoamerican...

, Aztec
The Aztec people were certain ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl language and who dominated large parts of Mesoamerica in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, a period referred to as the late post-classic period in Mesoamerican chronology.Aztec is the...

s, ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh...

ians, Tibetans, and Essenes
The Essenes were a Jewish sect that flourished from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE which some scholars claim seceded from the Zadokite priests...

, among others. The sexual aspect of religion is stressed in every religion it covers, stating bluntly that “the topic of this book is exclusively Sexual Magic.”
Sexual magic is explained as the synthesis of all religion
Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to...

. From the introduction of the 1960 edition:
Sexual magic is practiced in esoteric Christianity. Sexual magic is practiced in Zen Buddhism. Sexual magic is practiced amongst the Initiated Yogis. Sexual magic is practiced amongst the Muslim
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...

 Sufis. Sexual magic was practiced in the Initiatic Colleges of Troy, Egypt, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis. Sexual magic was practiced by the mysterious Maya, Aztec, Inca, Druids, etc.

The author presents a wide selection of religion and mystery schools from esoteric viewpoints, highlighting data traditionally thought to be unimportant, or otherwise understood in an unrelated manner. The primary message is that upright sexuality, exemplified through sexual magic, is the cornerstone upon which all authentic religion, yoga
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on Supersoul...

 and occultism is based.

The Perfect Matrimony is a discourse on how to transform the sexual energy into its superior aspects via sexual transmutation. It states that there are three types of Sexual Magic, or Tantra: Black, Grey, and White. Black Tantra involves the ejaculation of semen, and Grey Tantra sometimes concludes with orgasm or ejaculation, while White Tantra always opposes any loss of sexual energy whatsoever, in other words, without orgasm or ejaculation. It exclusively advocates White Tantra as the path to achieve “self-realization
Self-realization is a self-awakening.Self-realization may also refer to:* Self-Realization Fellowship, worldwide spiritual organization founded by Paramahansa Yogananda...

” and to “achieve cosmic consciousness.” This system of classification is not found in any of the traditional Tantric texts
Tantras refers to numerous and varied scriptures pertaining to any of several esoteric traditions rooted in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy. Although Buddhist and Hindu Tantra have many similarities from the outside, they do have some clear distinctions. The rest of this article deals with Hindu...

, however it is also true that tantra yoga has been historically gupta vidya, or esoteric knowledge not contained in books.

Sexual magic is explained to be the same as maithuna
Maithuna or Mithuna is a Sanskrit term used in Tantra most often translated as sexual union in a ritual context. It is the most important of the five makara and constitutes the main part of the Grand Ritual of Tantra variously known as Panchamakara, Panchatattva, and Tattva Chakra. Although some...

, sexual yoga, urdhvareta yoga.

The Perfect Matrimony also states that Jesus was married and practiced sexual yoga with his wife. The concept of Jesus being married is only now being considered in popular culture (see Mary Magdalene).

External links

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