The New Tenants
The New Tenants is a 21-minute Danish live action short film directed by Joachim Back, written by Anders Thomas Jensen and adapted by David Rakoff. It was produced at M&M Productions and Park Pictures by executive producers Lance Acord, Mette Ambro, Jackie Kelman Bisbee, Gigi Realini, Jean Villiers, producers Sam Bisbee, Johanne Stryhn Felding, Erika Hampson, Tivi Magnusson, Christian Potalivo, director of photography Pawel Edelman, production designer Janet Kim.


  • Liane Balaban
    Liane Balaban
    Liane Balaban is a Canadian actress. Her film debut was in New Waterford Girl , playing Agnes-Marie "Moonie" Pottie, and has since appeared in the films Definitely, Maybe , Last Chance Harvey , and the independent drama One Week .-Early life:Balaban was born in North York, Ontario, the daughter of...

     - Irene
  • Kevin Corrigan
    Kevin Corrigan
    Kevin Fitzgerald Corrigan is an American actor who has appeared mostly in independent films and television since the 1990s.-Life and career:Corrigan was born in The Bronx, New York to an Irish-American father and a Puerto Rican mother...

     - Zelko
  • Vincent D'Onofrio
    Vincent D'Onofrio
    Vincent Phillip D'Onofrio is an American actor, director, film producer, writer, and singer. Often referred to as an actor's actor, his work as a character actor has earned him the nickname of "Human Chameleon"...

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  • Jamie Harrold - Pete
  • David Rakoff
    David Rakoff
    David Rakoff is a Canadian-born writer based in New York City who is noted for his humorous, sometimes autobiographical non-fiction essays. Rakoff is an essayist, journalist, and actor and is a regular contributor to Public Radio International's This American Life...

     - Frank


The film won the 2009 Oscar for Best Live Action Short
Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film
This name for the Academy Award for Live Action Short Film was introduced in 1974. For the three preceding years it was known as "Short Subjects, Live Action Films." The term "Short Subjects, Live Action Subjects" was used from 1957 until 1970. From 1936 until 1956 there were two separate...

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