The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Steven N. Durlauf
Steven N. Durlauf is the Kenneth J. Arrow Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA.He has served as co-director of the economics program of the Santa Fe Institute and is a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research...
and Lawrence E. Blume
Lawrence E. Blume
Lawrence E. Blume is a Goldwin Smith Professor of Economics at Cornell University, USA.He is a Visiting Research Professor at IHS and a member of the external faculty at the Santa Fe Institute, where he has served as Co-Director of the Economics Program and on the Institute's steering committee...
. It contains 5.8 million words and spans 7,680 pages with 1,872 articles. Included are 1057 new articles and, from earlier, 80 essays that are designated as "classics", 157 revised articles, and 550 edited articles. It is the product of 1,506 contributors, including 25 Nobel Laureates in Economics
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, commonly referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics, but officially the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel , is an award for outstanding contributions to the field of economics, generally regarded as one of the...
Boy, a guy goes to jail for a couple of days and the whole town goes to hell!
Toby: [to Sully] Go ahead, steal our snowblower. You're the slowest goddamn thief that I ever saw.
Judge Flatt: Ollie, you know my feelings about arming morons: you arm one, you've got to arm them all, otherwise it wouldn't be good sport.