The New Modern Reader
The New Method English Dictionary
Micheal West's the new method English dictionary is monolingual dictionary of Longman (ISBN 0-582-55522-), a new edition by Micheal West, M.A., D. Phil and James Gareth Endicott, M.A. and revised by Ian Elliott and Lioyd Humberstone.This new edition retains the essential features of Micheal West's work and brings the text up-to-date in various ways. As before it explains the words likely to be encountered in general reading within a vocabulary of 1,455 common words. New headwords added for this edition have been defined within this vocabulary and where a word outside it is used, for example as a cross-reference, it is printed in small capital letters. A new pronunciation system replaces the earlier one; the new system uses that form of International Phonetic Alphabet which is now found in other Longman dictionaries. A further new feature is a label for each headword showing which part of speech is being defined.
There are three appendices; a list of the defining vocabulary, a list of the English names of the nations and languages of the world,and a list of common abbreviations.