The Moroccan Symphony
The Moroccan Symphony is a 2006 Moroccan film
Cinema of Morocco
-History:Cinema in Morocco has a long history, stretching back over a century to the filming of Le chevrier Marocain by Louis Lumière in 1897. Between that time and 1944, many foreign movies were shot in the country, especially in the Ouarzazate area.In 1944, the Moroccan Cinematographic Center ,...

Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

 by Kamal Kamal. It was Morocco's submission to the 79th Academy Awards
79th Academy Awards
The 79th Academy Awards ceremony , honored the best films of 2006 and took place on February 25, 2007 at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood on ABC. Ellen DeGeneres hosted the ceremony for the first time. The producer was Laura Ziskin. The announcers were Don LaFontaine and Gina Tuttle.The nominees were...

 for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film
Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film
The Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film is one of the Academy Awards of Merit, popularly known as the Oscars, handed out annually by the U.S.-based Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences...

, but was not accepted as a nominee.

See also

  • Cinema of Morocco
    Cinema of Morocco
    -History:Cinema in Morocco has a long history, stretching back over a century to the filming of Le chevrier Marocain by Louis Lumière in 1897. Between that time and 1944, many foreign movies were shot in the country, especially in the Ouarzazate area.In 1944, the Moroccan Cinematographic Center ,...

  • List of submissions to the 79th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film
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