The Mark of the Lash
The Mark of the Lash is a 1911 Australian silent film. It is a convict-era
Convicts in Australia
During the late 18th and 19th centuries, large numbers of convicts were transported to the various Australian penal colonies by the British government. One of the primary reasons for the British settlement of Australia was the establishment of a penal colony to alleviate pressure on their...

 melodrama made by the husband and wife team of John
John Gavin (director)
John F. Gavin, born as John Francis Henry Gavin was an Australian film director, who was one of the early film makers of the 1910s. He was born and died in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, and was also known by the nickname "Jack"....

 and Agnes Gavin
Agnes Gavin
Agnes Gavin was an Australian actor and screenwriter of the silent era, who worked in collaboration with her husband John Gavin. She wrote the majority of his films and was arguably the first specialist screenwriter in the history of the Australian film industry.She and her husband were best known...

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