"He's dead. I'm crippled. You're lost. I suppose it's always like that. I mean war."
::to the young, lost American soldier Schultz.
"Cor, stone the crows!"
::to his chaplain who insists on finding his Communion set, despite being chest-deep in a river and under fire.
"I don't like it, but there it is."
::on the necessity of launching the Invasion in such bad weather.
"You can't give the enemy a break. Send him to hell."
::to his men just before they embark.
"Sometimes I wonder whose side God is on."
::See also General Günther Blumentritt below.
"Au cœur des ténèbres, au plus profond de la nuit, il ne faut jamais désespérer. Gardons notre foi intacte, inébranlable! Pour chacun de nous, la délivrance approche." ("In the heart of the darkness, in the deepest of the night, we must never lose hope. Let us keep our faith intact, steadfast! For each of us, deliverance is coming.")
::to his congregation in Sainte-Mère-Église, which includes a stonefaced Nazi officer.
"Glauben Sie mir, meine Herren, die ersten vierundzwanzig Stunden dieser Invasion werden entscheidend sein! Das wird für die Alliierten, aber auch für die Deutschen, der längste Tag werden — der längste Tag." ("Believe me, gentlemen, the first twenty-four hours of this invasion will be decisive! It will become for the Allies, as well as for the Germans, the longest day — the longest day.")
::speaking the title line to his generals.
"Normandie. Wie dumm von mir! Wie dumm!" ("Normandy. How stupid of me! How stupid!)
::to himself in reaction to receiving the news of the Invasion by phone when he is home in Germany celebrating his wife's birthday, on 6 June.
"Die Invasion! Sie kommen!" ("The invasion! They're coming!")
::looking utterly terrified, to his men in his command bunker upon seeing, through his binoculars, the fleet coming straight at him.
"Auf mich zu, direkt!" ("Straight for me!")
::when asked by his superior where the invasion ships were headed.