The Lion of Judah
Lion of Judah is a family animated feature film
produced by Animated Family Films. It is the sequel to the award-winnging Christmas short film Once Upon A Stable, taking place 30 years earlier in a Bethlehem stable as The Stable-Mates witness the birth of "The King". Lion of Judah was released to select theaters starting on June 3, 2011, with a domestic release for Easter 2012. Warner Brothers is set to release the DVD and Blu-ray on March 27, 2012.
and Blu-ray by Warner Bros on March 27, 2012.
Feature film
In the film industry, a feature film is a film production made for initial distribution in theaters and being the main attraction of the screening, rather than a short film screened before it; a full length movie...
produced by Animated Family Films. It is the sequel to the award-winnging Christmas short film Once Upon A Stable, taking place 30 years earlier in a Bethlehem stable as The Stable-Mates witness the birth of "The King". Lion of Judah was released to select theaters starting on June 3, 2011, with a domestic release for Easter 2012. Warner Brothers is set to release the DVD and Blu-ray on March 27, 2012.
The film was animated in United States. The film was converted to real 3D Stereoscopic for theaters and was released in the United States by Rocky Mountain Pictures on June 3, 2011.Home media
Lion of Judah is scheduled to be released on DVDDVD
A DVD is an optical disc storage media format, invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than Compact Discs while having the same dimensions....
and Blu-ray by Warner Bros on March 27, 2012.