The Incredible Hank
"The Incredible Hank" is the 154th episode in the Fox
Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox Broadcasting Company, commonly referred to as Fox Network or simply Fox , is an American commercial broadcasting television network owned by Fox Entertainment Group, part of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Launched on October 9, 1986, Fox was the highest-rated broadcast network in the...

 animated comedy King of the Hill
King of the Hill
King of the Hill is an American animated dramedy series created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, that ran from January 12, 1997, to May 6, 2010, on Fox network. It centers on the Hills, a working-class Methodist family in the fictional small town of Arlen, Texas...



Hank's busy work schedule has been making him feel tired and sluggish so when Peggy asks him to help with the "Running with the Bulls program" he turns her down. Bobby meanwhile is failing gym because he refuses to shower with the other men.

Hank is discussing the running with the bulls and remembers how last year it was a flop since the bulls stopped to eat grass. Dale reveals that this year that the bulls are being given testosterone
Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group and is found in mammals, reptiles, birds, and other vertebrates. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands...

 to make them wild and vicious.

Bobby gives Hank the note that says he's failing gym, not wanting to admit that he's afraid of showering he lies and says that he doesn't have any energy. Dale suggests testosterone so Hank and Peggy take him to the doctor to see about a prescription.

The doctor states that Bobby is perfectly fine and testosterone supplements are normally prescribed to middle aged men and writes Hank a low dosage prescription. Hank refuses and tosses it in the trash. Peggy however takes it out and has it filled.

The next day Peggy puts the tablets in Hank's coffee and repeatedly tries to get him to drink it. Bobby reveals that the real reason he is flunking gym is because he refuses to shower. Hank tells him that no one wants to shower in gym, but you have to because it's a rule and that if it bothers him he should try counting the tiles in the shower. Hank finally drinks the coffee and Peggy gives him a thermos filled with more testosterone spiked coffee telling him to drink it in six hours with a meal.

While driving to work the testosterone kicks in giving Hank incredible energy (although in reality testosterone therapy often takes a 1-3 months before its effects become noticeable ).

With Hank's new found energy he is able to take care of multiple customers at work and begins exercising and even agrees to do the run with bulls program. Bobby meanwhile is about to take a shower when he chickens out and says he will take his failing grade.

At dinner the testosterone's effects on Hank are very apparent. Bobby lies and tells Hank that he showered in gym. Hank takes Bobby to do pushups while Peggy fixes him a steak and hides more testosterone supplements in it.

Peggy reveals that they don't have enough money to do the run with bulls(due to the limitability insurance cost) but after attending a meeting Hank says that he'll raise all the money himself and then does even agreeing to run in it.

Hank begins training excessively for the run and in the process has developed the physique of an athlete, which the neighborhood women (including Nancy Gribble) find attractive. He is still unaware however that Peggy has been continually spiking everything he eats and drinks with the testosterone supplements.

Soon Hank begins to show the signs of "roid rage" due to the excessive amounts of testosterone that Peggy has been giving him. Peggy goes to the doctor and tells him that the amount that Hank has been taking is like taking anabolic steroids. Peggy states that she has stopped giving it to him, but the doctor says that since he has been taking excessive amounts of testosterone his body has stopped making its own so now he has no testosterone what so ever. He gives her a patch and tells her that he has to wear it to slowly let his body go back to normal.

Hank meanwhile wonders why he is no longer strong and full of energy. Peggy confesses to what she did, much to Hank's horror. Bobby also confesses that he didn't take a shower like he said. Upset at them both Hank says that he is still running because he made a promise but refuses to wear the patch.

At the day of the running Peggy tries to get him to wear it again, but he refuses. When it starts Hank manages to outrun the bulls and get to safety. Since Hank kept his word Bobby finally takes a shower in gym, looking down at the tiles the entire time.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.