The Green Book (UK Parliament)
The Green Book: A guide to Members' allowances (often simply The Green Book) is a publication of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. It states that "Parliamentary allowances are designed to ensure that Members are reimbursed for costs properly incurred in the performance of their duties."


The green book describes support provided for:
  • employing staff (Staffing Expenditure)
  • provision of facilities, equipment and supplies for themselves and their staff (Administrative and Office Expenditure)
  • overnight stays away from home whilst on parliamentary duties (Personal Additional Accommodation Expenditure)
  • communicating with constituents (Communications Expenditure)
  • House stationery and postage (Stationery and Postage)
  • travel – between Westminster
    Westminster is an area of central London, within the City of Westminster, England. It lies on the north bank of the River Thames, southwest of the City of London and southwest of Charing Cross...

    , the constituency and main home (Travel expenditure)."

The Green Book outlines MPs' housing allowance (the "additional costs allowance", which aims to reimburse MPs for the costs of staying away from home when on Parliamentary
Parliament of the United Kingdom
The Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom, British Crown dependencies and British overseas territories, located in London...

 business. The limit in 2006-07 was £22,110.
  • It lists the following allowable items: rent; hotel bills; mortgage interest payments and legal costs; the interest on remortgages used to pay for home improvements; television licences; parking permits; locks and other security measures; food; cleaning utilities bills including heating, lighting and water; council tax; furnishings including white goods and electrical equipment; decoration and "necessary" repairs; and building and contents insurance.
  • It also lists the following unallowable items: the capital part of mortgage payments; computer equipment and services; mobile phone bills; "antique, luxury or premium" furnishings; travel; entertainment; and repairs which "enhance the property". MPs are advised to seek advice before they undertake any major repairs which they expect the allowance to cover.
  • Receipts for all hotel bills are required, but for other items receipts are only needed for amounts over £250.

See also

  • Disclosure of expenses of Members of the United Kingdom Parliament
  • Salaries of Members of the United Kingdom Parliament
    Salaries of Members of the United Kingdom Parliament
    The current basic annual salary for an MP in the United Kingdom is £65,738. In addition, MPs are able claim allowances to cover the costs of running an office and employing staff, and maintaining a constituency residence and a residence in London...

External links

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