The Enchanting Shadow
The Enchanting Shadow is a 1960 Hong Kong drama film
Drama film
A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, infidelity, moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, poverty, class divisions, violence against women...

 directed by Li Han-hsiang. It was entered into the 1960 Cannes Film Festival
1960 Cannes Film Festival
-Jury:*Georges Simenon *Marc Allégret *Louis Chauvet *Diego Fabbri *Hidemi Ima *Grigori Kozintsev *Maurice Leroux *Max Lippmann *Henry Miller...

. The film was also selected as the Hong Kong entry for the Best Foreign Language Film
Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film
The Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film is one of the Academy Awards of Merit, popularly known as the Oscars, handed out annually by the U.S.-based Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences...

 at the 33rd Academy Awards
33rd Academy Awards
The 33rd Academy Awards, honoring the best in film for 1960, were held on April 17, 1961 at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium in Santa Monica, California...

, but was not accepted as a nominee.


  • Betty Loh Ti
    Betty Loh Ti
    Betty Loh Ti was a Chinese actress who was often described as the 'Chinese Classic Beauty'. In the 1960s, she was popular among both Chinese and Western filmgoers.- Biography :...

     - Nie Xiaoqian (as Di Le)
  • Ngai Fung
  • Li Jen Ho
  • Kun Li - Scholar's Servant
  • Kuo Hua Li
  • Chi Lu
  • Hsiang Su
  • Rhoqing Tang - Lao Lao
  • Yueting Wang
  • Chih-Ching Yang - Yan Chixia (as Zhiqing Yang)
  • Lei Zhao - Ning Caichen

See also

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