The Child (TNG episode)
"The Child" is the 27th episode
An episode is a part of a dramatic work such as a serial television or radio program. An episode is a part of a sequence of a body of work, akin to a chapter of a book. The term sometimes applies to works based on other forms of mass media as well, as in Star Wars...

 of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise. Roddenberry, Rick Berman, and Michael Piller served as executive producers at different times throughout the production...



In this episode, ship's Counsellor
Mental health professional
A mental health professional is a health care practitioner who offers services for the purpose of improving an individual's mental health or to treat mental illness. This broad category includes psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatric nurses, mental health...

 Deanna Troi
Deanna Troi
Commander Deanna Troi is a main character in the science-fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and related TV series and films, portrayed by actress Marina Sirtis. Troi is half-human, half-Betazoid and has the psionic ability to sense emotions. She serves as the ship's counselor...

 gives birth to a mysterious child, while the Federation
United Federation of Planets
The United Federation of Planets, also known as "The Federation" is a fictional interplanetary federal republic depicted in the Star Trek television series and motion pictures...

In the fictional universe of Star Trek, Starfleet or the Federation Starfleet is the deep-space exploratory, peacekeeping and military service maintained by the United Federation of Planets . It is the principal means by which the Federation conducts its exploration, defense, diplomacy and research...

A starship or interstellar spacecraft is a theoretical spacecraft designed for traveling between the stars, as opposed to a vehicle designed for orbital spaceflight or interplanetary travel....

 USS Enterprise
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
The USS Enterprise is a 24th century starship in the Star Trek fictional universe and the principal setting of the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series...

 transports a dangerous cargo.


As the Enterprises new chief medical officer, Dr. Katherine Pulaski
Katherine Pulaski
Commander Katherine Pulaski, MD; played by Diana Muldaur, is the replacement chief medical officer for Dr. Beverly Crusher during the second season of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation.-Overview:...

, is brought aboard, the Enterprise prepares to travel to collect plague specimen samples from the planet Aucdet IX in a large bio-containment module, so that Starfleet Medical on Science Station Tango Sierra can study and devise a cure for a plague that is out of control in the Rachelis System. On leaving the starbase, a ball of energy passes through the ship unnoticed, eventually settling into Troi's quarters. The next day, Pulaski finds that Troi is pregnant; the fetus is developing at an accelerated rate and would be fully developed in 36 hours. Troi has no idea who the father may be. Though Pulaski gives her the option to terminate the pregnancy, Troi decides she will carry the child to birth.

While the Enterprise arrives at Aucdet IX and begins to transport the samples aboard, Troi gives birth to an apparently normal boy she names Ian. Ian continues to develop rapidly; within a day, he appears as a four-year old child and already developed mental facilities. Troi finds Ian overly curious, purposely putting himself in physical harm. With the samples collected, the Enterprise begins transit to Starfleet Medical, but finds one of the plague strains is growing, despite the presence of the containment field; should it continue growing, it will rupture the field and expose those on board to the plague. They trace the sample to one exposed to Eichner radiation, but are aware of no sources of it on board the Enterprise or nearby space.

Ian confides to Troi that he is the source of the crew's problems and will have to leave. Troi senses Ian is dying, and calls for medical assistance. As Pulaski tries to keep Ian alive, Data reveals that Ian is the source of Eichner radiation. Ian dies in Troi's arms, and turns into the ball of energy. It settled into Troi's hands, communicating telepathically with her for a moment, before leaving the ship. Troi reveals that Ian was a life-force entity, curious about the Enterprise and its crew, and went through the process of being born and growing up to live as one of them. With Ian gone, the plague sample returns to normal, and the crew continues onto Starfleet Medical.

Story history

"The Child" was originally written as an episode of Star Trek: Phase II
Star Trek: Phase II
Star Trek: Phase II was a planned television series based on the characters of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, which had run from 1966 to 1969. It was set to air in early 1978 on a proposed Paramount Television Service...

. It developed from a story pitch by Jason Summers, and was written as a script by Summers and Jon Povill
Jon Povill
Jon Povill is an American scriptwriter and television producer. He wrote the first two drafts of the screenplay for Total Recall in the 1970s, and then took up a position on the attempted Star Trek: Phase II, becoming Story editor, and penning the episode "The Child", which would later be remade...

, who shared credit on the resulting teleplay. As a result of Povill's work on the script, he became Story Editor on the series. With the abandonment of Phase II, "The Child" was also abandoned.

However, in 1987, a second Star Trek television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise. Roddenberry, Rick Berman, and Michael Piller served as executive producers at different times throughout the production...

, came on the air. Unlike Phase II, which featured the original characters in a new five-year mission, TNG featured new characters, with some closely based on additional characters proposed for Phase II. A major Writers Guild of America
Writers Guild of America
The Writers Guild of America is a generic term referring to the joint efforts of two different US labor unions:* The Writers Guild of America, East , representing TV and film writers East of the Mississippi....

 strike took place in the summer of 1988, leading to the start of many fall seasons being delayed. At that time, the producers of The Next Generation decided to look into the Phase II archives for scripts. Upon the termination of the writer's strike in August, Maurice Hurley
Maurice Hurley
*Maurice Hurley *Maurice Hurly of the Hurly Baronets...

, the head writer and a co-executive producer for season 2, did a quick script revision, and the episode was soon filmed. The script was originally focused on the proposed new character of Ilia, who had been the basis for the TNG character Deanna Troi
Deanna Troi
Commander Deanna Troi is a main character in the science-fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and related TV series and films, portrayed by actress Marina Sirtis. Troi is half-human, half-Betazoid and has the psionic ability to sense emotions. She serves as the ship's counselor...

, and was relatively easy to adapt. The episode, which was the second season premiere, aired in November rather than the usual September. The writer's strike would also result in the last episode of the season "Shades of Gray", being the only clip show
Clip show
A clip show is an episode of a television series that consists primarily of excerpts from previous episodes. Most clip shows feature the format of a frame story in which cast members recall past events from past installments of the show, depicted with a clip of the event presented as a flashback. ...

 in Star Trek's history.

The original script was published in 1997 in a book about Phase II by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens are a prolific husband and wife writing team, known mainly for their involvement with the Star Trek franchise. They have written several books both within and outside of Star Trek, and acted as executive story editors and co-producers on the fourth season of the...


External links

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