The Bumblebee Flies Anyway (novel)
The Bumblebee Flies Anyway is a young adult novel
Young adult literature
Young-adult fiction or young adult literature , also juvenile fiction, is fiction written for, published for, or marketed to adolescents and young adults, roughly ages 14 to 21. The Young Adult Library Services of the American Library Association defines a young adult as "someone between the...

 by Robert Cormier
Robert Cormier
Robert Edmund Cormier was an American author, columnist and reporter, known for his deeply pessimistic, downbeat literature. His most popular works include I Am the Cheese, After the First Death, We All Fall Down and The Chocolate War, all of which have won awards. The Chocolate War was challenged...

. It was published in 1983
1983 in literature
The year 1983 in literature involved some significant events and new books.-Events:*Ironweed by William Kennedy is published.*Salvage for the Saint by Peter Bloxsom and John Kruse is published. This is the final book in a series of novels, novellas and short stories featuring the Leslie Charteris...


Plot synopsis

This story stars teenaged Barney Snow. He’s a United States resident who is also part of "the Complex," an experimental facility where drugs are tested on children and teens with terminal illnesses. He questions why he’s there and what they’re doing to him, while also uncovering a terrible secret about himself. Later, he starts to devise a plan that will take him and the people around him on one last glorious ride.

Film adaptation

In 1999, a film adaptation was made starring Elijah Wood. It was directed by Martin Duffy.
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