The Bob Monkhouse Hour
The Bob Monkhouse Hour was a televised variety show in the 1950s fronted by the comedian Bob Monkhouse
Bob Monkhouse
Robert Alan "Bob" Monkhouse, OBE was an English entertainer. He was a successful comedy writer, comedian and actor and was also well known on British television as a presenter and game show host...

 and featured musical stars of the day, contemporary comedians, and various other variety acts. It was an early vehicle for the comedian whose first break had been an appearance in Carry On Sergeant
Carry On Sergeant
Carry On Sergeant is the first Carry On film. Its first public screening was on 1 August 1958 at Screen One, London. Actors in this film who went on to be part of the regular team in the series were Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey, Hattie Jacques, Kenneth Connor and Terry Scott...

in 1958, the first of the popular series of films.
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