The Black Book of Basingwerk
The Black Book of Basingwerk is an illuminated manuscript
Illuminated manuscript
An illuminated manuscript is a manuscript in which the text is supplemented by the addition of decoration, such as decorated initials, borders and miniature illustrations...

 in the National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales
The National Library of Wales , Aberystwyth, is the national legal deposit library of Wales; one of the Welsh Government sponsored bodies.Welsh is its main medium of communication...

 containing, among other texts, a Welsh translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth
Geoffrey of Monmouth
Geoffrey of Monmouth was a cleric and one of the major figures in the development of British historiography and the popularity of tales of King Arthur...

's Historia Regum Britanniae
Historia Regum Britanniae
The Historia Regum Britanniae is a pseudohistorical account of British history, written c. 1136 by Geoffrey of Monmouth. It chronicles the lives of the kings of the Britons in a chronological narrative spanning a time of two thousand years, beginning with the Trojans founding the British nation...

. It is mostly the work of the Welsh poet and scribe Gutun Owain
Gutun Owain
Gutun Owain was a Welsh language poet. Gutun Owain was born near Oswestry in what is now north Shropshire and was a student of Dafydd ab Edmwnd....

Floruit , abbreviated fl. , is a Latin verb meaning "flourished", denoting the period of time during which something was active...

1460–1500). The illumination is limited to three decorated initials, and two marginal drawings now barely visible to the naked eye.
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