The Age of the Ordinary
The Age of the Ordinary is the first of the “Lost Generation
” series by the author, satirist and playwright, Hikmet Temel Akarsu
The novel is based on how society has become “ordinary” due to the system of values exerted by the neo-liberal age and its merging with “the new right” to capture all its members in a profit and illicit gain seeking frenzy. The Age of the Ordinary brings striking views on the paradoxical human condition set back on the panaromic background of the period.
The Lost Generation (novel series)
Lost Generation is a novel series that Turkish writer Hikmet Temel Akarsu penned between the years 1987-1992. The other tag given to this generation who were born between 1955-1965 and had to live through several periods of agitation, economical crises and political conflict is Generation X...
” series by the author, satirist and playwright, Hikmet Temel Akarsu
Hikmet Temel Akarsu
Hikmet Temel Akarsu is a Turkish novelist, short-story writer, satirist and playwright. He was born in Gümüşhane, Turkey in 1960, and moved to Istanbul with his family at the age of nine....
The novel is based on how society has become “ordinary” due to the system of values exerted by the neo-liberal age and its merging with “the new right” to capture all its members in a profit and illicit gain seeking frenzy. The Age of the Ordinary brings striking views on the paradoxical human condition set back on the panaromic background of the period.