/comedy film
starring comedian Andrew Dice Clay
as Ford Fairlane, a "Rock n' Roll Detective," whose beat is the music industry in Los Angeles
. The film was directed by Renny Harlin
Ford Fairlane is seen sitting on a beach smoking as the film opens. A flashback initiates, showing a roaring crowd at a concert given by fictional popular heavy metal band The Black Plague.
Unfucking believable!
So many assholes, So few bullets!
Did I want the whole music industry to suck my dick Tracy?!
I am so terifical I even have my own toll free numba, 1-800-UNBELIEVABLE!
Bird Brain, why have you come to my planet!
Fuckin' Australians! I hate that country, you know, that continent, whatever the hell it is. Don't we do nuclear testing there? [spots koala bear on Jazz's lap] What is that? Some kind of giant fucking mouse?
[recalling joke he told to Jazz's parents] What's the definition of a vagina? A box a penis comes in.