That Day (One Buck Short)
That Day is a signature single by Petaling Jaya
Petaling Jaya
Petaling Jaya is a Malaysian city originally developed as a satellite township for Kuala Lumpur comprising mostly residential and some industrial areas. It is located in the Petaling district of Selangor with an area of approximately 97.2 km². On 20 June 2006, Petaling Jaya was granted a...

 band, One Buck Short
One Buck Short
One Buck Short is a Malaysian punk rock band from Kuala Lumpur.-History:The band was founded by Hafiz and Rahul during their high school. One Buck Short began playing shows at school events and "battle of the bands" competitions before coming out in the local scene...

. The song is arguably their best known and most popular single released by the band, and it gained heavy airplay on Malaysian English
Malaysian English
Malaysian English , formally known as Malaysian Standard English , is a form of English used and spoken in Malaysia as a second language...

 Radio stations. This song was the start of One Buck Short's success.

The song is typical of One Buck Short structure with complex guitar riffs and plenty of vocals. Unique to One Buck Short songs, towards the end, the song breaks into Reggae
Reggae is a music genre first developed in Jamaica in the late 1960s. While sometimes used in a broader sense to refer to most types of Jamaican music, the term reggae more properly denotes a particular music style that originated following on the development of ska and rocksteady.Reggae is based...

 in Malay
Malay language
Malay is a major language of the Austronesian family. It is the official language of Malaysia , Indonesia , Brunei and Singapore...


External links

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