Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

The Board has oversight of licensees and certified professionals involved in the practice of psychology. Those professionals include psychologists, provisionally licensed psychologists, psychological associates, and licensed specialists in school psychology. According to the Texas Department of State Heath Services, as of 2010, the agency had oversight of 6,547 licensees. Since 1987, the Board has required an oral examination for applicants for licensure as psychologists.
In 1981, the Legislature amended the Act to add three public members to the TSBEP bringing the total number of members to nine. The Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate appoints the members of the Board, which presently is composed of four psychologists, two licensed psychological associates, and three public members. The Governor appoints members for staggered six-year terms of office. Since 2008, the Governor also appoints the Chair for the Board.
The agency is presently located in Room 450 of Tower 2 in the William P. Hobby State Office Building, located at 333 Guadalupe Street in Austin.