Temirkhan Dosmukhanbetov
Temirkhan Myngaydaruly Dosmukhanbetov has served as the Minister of Tourism
Minister of Tourism
The Minister of Tourism is the head of the governmental department that specializes in tourism, recreation and/or culture.The position exists in many different countries under several names:* Minister for Tourism * Ministry of Tourism...

 and Sports in the Government of Kazakhstan
Government of Kazakhstan
The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan oversees a presidential republic. The President of Kazakhstan, currently Nursultan Nazarbayev, is head of state and nominates the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the government...

 since Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev has served as the President of Kazakhstan since the nation received its independence in 1991, after the fall of the Soviet Union...

 appointed him on 27 March 2006.
Prior to that he served as the Mayor of Astana
Astana , formerly known as Akmola , Tselinograd and Akmolinsk , is the capital and second largest city of Kazakhstan, with an officially estimated population of 708,794 as of 1 August 2010...

. Nazarbayev appointed him mayor, replacing Adilbek Jaksybekov, on 16 June 2006. Jaksebekov then became the Minister of Trade and Industry.

Appointment to Minister of Culture and Information

President Nazarbayev split the Ministry of Culture, Information and Sport into a Culture and Information Ministry and a Tourism and Sport Ministry through a presidential decree on 27 March 2006. Nazarbayev then appointed Ermukhamet Ertysbayev
Ermukhamet Ertysbayev
Ermukhamet Qabidenuly Ertysbayev served as the Minister of Culture, Information, and Sport in the Government of Kazakhstan until President Nursultan Nazarbayev split the Ministry of Culture, Information and Sport into a Culture and Information Ministry and a Tourism and Sport Ministry through a...

, previously the Culture, Information, and Sport Minister, the Minister of the new Culture and Information Ministry while making Dosmukhanbetov the Minister of the new Tourism and Sport Ministry.
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