Telephone numbers in the Australian Antarctic Territory
Country Code: +672 1x
International Call Prefix: 00
Trunk Prefix
National Significant Numbers (NSN):
Format: +672 1X XXXX
International Call Prefix: 00
Trunk Prefix
Trunk prefix
A trunk prefix is the number to be dialed in a domestic telephone call, preceding any necessary area codes and subscriber numbers. When the number is called from overseas, the trunk prefix is omitted by the caller. In most countries, such as Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom, the trunk...
National Significant Numbers (NSN):
- six digits (fixed)
- six digits (mobile)
Format: +672 1X XXXX
Station | Pre-2003 | 2003 onwards |
Davis | +672 10 6XX | +672 10 6XXX |
Mawson | +672 11 7XX | +672 11 7XXX |
Casey | +672 12 8XX | +672 12 8XXX |
Macquarie Island | +672 13 9XX | +672 13 9XXX |