Telangana: The State of Affairs


The book analyses the issues of regional discrimination, identity and its construction. It explains rationale for the demand for separate Statehood for Telangana
Telangana is a region in the present state of Andhra Pradesh, India and formerly was part of Hyderabad state which was ruled by Nizam. It is bordered with the states of Maharashtra on the north and north-west, Karnataka on the west, Chattisgarh on the north-east and Orissa to the east...

. The book comprises essays by Duncan B. Forrester, N Venugopal, M Bharath Bhushan, Dean E. McHenry Jr., K Naresh Kumar, S V Srinivas, Radhika Rajamani and translation of two short stories by P V Narasimha Rao and Allam Rajayya.
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