Ted Hammond
Ted Hammond is an American veterinarian and amusement park consultant based in Asia. He is a founding member of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine. He has been instrumental in brokering Taiji
Taiji, Wakayama
is a town located in Higashimuro District, Wakayama, Japan.As of 1 January 2011, the town has an estimated population of 3,225 and a population density of 541 persons per km². The total area is 5.96 km². Taiji is the smallest local government by area in Wakayama Prefecture because, unlike others,...

 dolphin sales to many places around the world including Turkey, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic.

He is a primary witness in a lawsuit between one of his clients and dolphin activist Ric O'Barry
Ric O'Barry
Richard "Ric" O'Barry is an American first recognized in the 1960s for capturing and training the five dolphins that were used in the well-known TV series Flipper. O'Barry made a radical transition from training dolphins in captivity to assertively combating the captivity industry soon after...

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