Tainy Sledstviya
Tainy Sledstviya is a Russian television series filmed from 2000 through 2008. Since April, 2011 the new ninth season will be broadcast. The format of the series features 2 to 4, 50 minute episodes split into story arks. The television series follows the work of a female Procurator
known as Maria Shvetsova (played by Anna Kovalchuk
). The series contains 60 episodes (Including 9 season).
Public procurator
A public procurator is an officer of a state charged with both the investigation and prosecution of crime. The office is a feature of a civil law inquisitorial rather than common law adversarial system of law and is usually found in current or former communist states...
known as Maria Shvetsova (played by Anna Kovalchuk
Anna Kovalchuk
Anna Leonidovna Kovalchuk is a Russian actress.Anna Kovalchuk was born on June 15, 1977, in Neustrelitz , into a family of hereditary teachers. Anna's mother managed a kindergarten, her father was the teacher, and her grandfather was the principal. Anna has an older brother named Pavel.During her...
). The series contains 60 episodes (Including 9 season).
In Office of Public Prosecutor never happens cheerfully, especially, when many crimes. The Office of Public Prosecutor of one of areas of St.-Petersburg investigates most it would seem fruitless tasks. Possibly, many of these affairs and would remain unsolved, if not talent and even humour of the Russian inspector of Maria Sergeevna Shvetsova. Corpses, mysterious thefts and unusual crimes wait for prosecutors and their friends. They should show sharpness to open this or that crime.Tainy Sledstviya (2000—2001)
- «Мягкая лапа смерти» - Soft paw of death
- «Гроб на две персоны» - Coffin for two
- «Странности Алисы» - Strangeness of Alisa
- «Женские слезы» - Women's tears
- «Чужой крест» - Another's cross
- «Практикантка» - Trainee
Tainy Sledstviya—2 (2002)
- «Заказчик» - The client
- «Суббота. 15 часов» - Saturday, 3 PM
- «Падение» - The Fall
- «Марионетки» - Puppets
- «Роль жертвы» - Role of the victim
- «Черный бог» - Black God
Tainy Sledstviya—3 (2003)
- «Заложники» - Hostages
- «Исчезновение» - Disappearance
- «Бумажная работа» - Paperwork
- «Овечья шкура» - Sheep's clothing
- «Покушение» - Attempted murder
- «Третий лишний» - Third too many
Tainy Sledstviya—4 (2004)
- «Истинные ценности» - True values
- «Операция "Доктор"» - Operation 'Doctor'
- «Работа над ошибками» - Correction of mistakes
- «Поедем, красотка, кататься» - Come on, baby, let's joyride
- «История болезни» - Case history
- «Выбор оружия» - Weapon choice
Tainy Sledstviya—5 (2005)
- «Поклонники» - Admirers
- «Кто есть кто» - Who is who
- «Фотограф» - Photographer
- «Приличные люди» - Decent people
- «Смерть за кадром» - Death out of frame
- «Вопросы воспитания» - Problems of up bringing
Tainy Sledstviya—6 (2006)
- «Личный состав» - Personnel
- «Веселый слоник» - Funny little elephant
- «Звуки музыки» - The Sound of music
- «Защита свидетеля» - witness protection
- «Срок давности» - Period of limitation
- «Вызов» - Challenge
Tainy Sledstviya—7 (2007)
- «Черная магия» - Black magic
- «Дорогой подарок» - Expensive present
- «Лучший способ защиты» - The best protective device
- «Родственные узы» - Kindred bonds
- «Домой» - Homeward
- «Три дня» - Three days
Tainy Sledstviya—8 (2008)
- «Превышение власти» - Exceeding authority
- «Семейное дело» - Family business
- «Встать, Суд идёт!»
- «Коллекционеры» - Collectors
- «Группа риска» - Risk group
- «Явка с повинной» - Acknowledgement of guilt