The TRANZ 330 is a popular point-of-sale device manufactured by VeriFone
VeriFone is a company that makes point-of-sale equipment. It was founded and incorporated in Hawaii in 1981, and named itself after its first product, the name standing for Verification telephone....

 in 1985. The most common application for these units is bank and credit card processing, however, as a general purpose computer, they can perform other novel functions. Other applications include gift/benefit card processing, prepaid phone cards, payroll and employee timekeeping, and even debit and ATM cards. They are programmed in a proprietary VeriFone TCL language (Terminal Control Language), which is unrelated to the Tool Command Language
Tcl is a scripting language created by John Ousterhout. Originally "born out of frustration", according to the author, with programmers devising their own languages intended to be embedded into applications, Tcl gained acceptance on its own...

 used in UNIX
Unix is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna...

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