THEM (TV series)
"T.H.E.M." was a short-lived TV series. On the show, a gang of street magicians set up various scenarios to lure unsuspecting targets. After the team bewildered their victims, they would reveal themselves to the target as one of T.H.E.M.
The members of T.H.E.M. were:
The members of T.H.E.M. were:
- Cyril TakayamaCyril TakayamaCyril Takayama is an American-Japanese illusionist of Japanese and French descent. He is perhaps best known for his magic performances around Japan.-Early life:...
- Danny Cole
- Enrico de la Vega
- Lisa de la Vega
- Chris Gongora
- Michael Grasso
- Thomas Meier
- Jason Neistadt
- Justin "Kredible" WillmanJustin KredibleJustin "Kredible" Willman is an American actor, magician and entertainer. He currently hosts two Food Network series, Cupcake Wars and Last Cake Standing, and The Hub series, Hubworld,. and will also host the upcoming Scrabble Showdown for The Hub...