TAS3 - Trusted Architecture for Securely Shareable Services, with Privacy
TAS3 Architecture is a result of European Commission FP7 project of
the same name (2008–2011). It is a holistic, yet concrete,
architecture, including reference implementation, that allows
ecosystems based on trust and interoperable technology to be
built. For handling of Personal Data (or PII), such ecosystem tends to
be needed in order to ensure that the user is a stake holder and that
his privacy is protected.
TAS3 Architecture is a result of European Commission FP7 project of
the same name (2008–2011). It is a holistic, yet concrete,
architecture, including reference implementation, that allows
ecosystems based on trust and interoperable technology to be
built. For handling of Personal Data (or PII), such ecosystem tends to
be needed in order to ensure that the user is a stake holder and that
his privacy is protected.
- What is the system trying to achieve?
- Architecture and technology to support trust based ecosystems, a.k.a. Trust Networks
- User centric solution - make user a stake holder in his processes
- Comprehensive solution
- Trust establishment and management
- Single Sign-On (SSOSingle sign-onSingle sign-on is a property of access control of multiple related, but independent software systems. With this property a user logs in once and gains access to all systems without being prompted to log in again at each of them...
) - Web Services with identity, privacy, and security
- Authorization by User and Service Provider
- Audit by User and Service Provider
- Legal and contractual framework
- Compliance certification
- Suggested Business Model (but many others are possible)
- Wire interoperable protocol profiles
- Terminology used by the system (e.g. "Personal Data Store", "Connectors", etc.)
- Illdefined question: TAS3 glossary is very long. Generally standard terminology like IdPs, Relying Parties, Service Providers, Attribute Providers, WSCs, WSPs, PEPs, PDPs, etc., is used.
- 4th party can act as User's agent or anonymizer
- IPR status
- TAS3 Architecture and specifications are Royalty Free (RF) to implement per TAS3 Consortium pledge at tas3.eu section "Software" (http://vds1628.sivit.org/tas3/?page_id=138)
- In TAS3 General Assembly of 2010-09-13, following declaration was made:
- "TAS3 architecture and specifications, as described in public deliverables D2.1, D2.4, and D7.1, are licensed free for implementation and use by anyone. Up to June 2010, TAS3 consortium partners do not hold patents nor will exercise patents that cover implementation and use of the TAS3 architecture and specifications of those deliverables. This license is only granted for the specific purpose of correct implementations of TAS3 specifications."
- Underlying standards, such as SAML2SAML 2.0Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 is a version of the SAML OASIS standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains. SAML 2.0 is an XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal between an...
, ID-WSF2ID-WSFID-WSF - Identity Web Services Framework =Identity Web Services Framework is a protocol stack that profiles WS-Security, WS-Addressing, SAML andadds new protocol specifications of its own, such as the Discovery Service, for open market per user service...
, and XACML2XACMLXACML stands for eXtensible Access Control Markup Language. The standard defines a declarative access control policy language implemented in XML and a processing model describing how to evaluate authorization requests according to the rules defined in policies.As a published standard...
, are Royalty FreeRoyalty freeRoyalty-Free, or RF, refers to the right to use copyrighted material or intellectual property without the need to pay royalties for each use or per volume sold, or some time period of use or sales.-Computer standards:... - Reference implementation is Apache2 Open Source licensed (underlying libraries OpenSSL, libcurl, and zlib are similarly liberally licensed - and there really are no other dependency libraries)
- Commercial implementations can be commecially licensed
- Underlying standards, such as SAML2
Personal data
- Where is personal data located?
- Mainly pull, consistent with data minimization, from Attribute Providers (APs), but push also supported
- Distributed model, with User choice of AP (competitive market place of providers)
- Emphasis on Personal Data Store
- Complemented by authoritative sources (a form of trusted 3rd party)
- Self-hosting possible, but most users choose from plurality of hosting providers
- 4th party can act as User's agent or anonymizer
- How is personal data stored internally (e.g. LDAP, RDF triple, etc.)?
- No position / agnostic
- TAS3 focuses on trust and wire protocol interoperability
- TAS3 mandates encrypted local storage (block device or filesystem)
- Data model / Schema / Ontology / Dictionary?
- No specific model / agnostic
- Data interoperability handled by ontologies and mappings (app dependent)
- What kind of data (e.g. PII, browsing behavior, shopping preferences, etc.)?
- Engineered to strictest PII policy standards
- No particular dataset mandated or preferred (all possible due to strong privacy, security, and access control)
- Pilots conducted using e-profiles (employability data)
- Technologies for protecting privacy and security of stored personal data (e.g. encryption, etc.)?
- Pairwise Pseudonymous Identifiers (PPIDs) at all layers: SSO, Web Services, including deep call chains, Authorization, Reputation, and Audit trail.
- 4-point authorization framework allows filtering based on actual data about to be returned
- Sticky policies attach to data (among other possibilities)
- Intended use
- Data retention
- Subscription for rectification and deletion ("right to be forgotten")
- Data use notification
- Obligations and simple online contract negotiation allow digitally signed contracts about promised policies to be documented in the audit trail
- Service Provider independent summary audit trail irrevocably and independently documents Service Provider obligations
- Users can see audit events via dashboard
- Enable User to enforce his rights in a court of law even if Service Provider deletes evidence
- Provide to user visibility about the "behind the scenes" transactions involving his data
- Data synchronization between clients and the cloud?
- Inherently a cloud model - a client (device) would be modelled as a node in the cloud
- Subscription for rectification and deletion is a transitive mechanism that allows updates to be synchronized to all data consumers
Data access
- What interfaces, APIs, etc. exist for accessing the personal data?
- SOAP CRUD API (mature)
- Personal Data is expressed as SAML Attribute Assertions, which can be hierarchical to express data aggregator passing along data from authoritative source with signature intact
- X509 attribute certificates as optional mechanism
- UMA based RESTful API (beta)
- TAS3 Programming API
- C/C++
- Java
- CSharp
- Perl
- Others on demand, just ask!
- SOAP CRUD API (mature)
- Does the system acquire personal data automatically?
- No
- Interaction facility allows data to be acquired inline with user consent
- Can personal data be typed into the system manually?
- Not at system level, but Service Provider application GUI can collect personal data
- Interaction facility allows data to be acquired inline with user consent
- Can personal data be imported into the system by 3rd parties?
- Yes, but 3rd party needs to belong to the trust network
- 3rd party would need to prove, using digitally signed tokens, that it was authorized by user or the trust network management
- Can personal data be requested from the system by 3rd parties?
- Yes, but 3rd party needs to belong to the trust network
- 3rd party would need to prove, using digitally signed tokens, that it was authorized by user
- Does the system support the right to be updated / forgotten?
- Yes, subscription for rectification and deletion is a transitive mechanism that allows updates to be synchronized to all data consumers
Data portability
- Can data be ported between different instances of the system? (how?)
- Yes, simple CRUD operation, provided that it is authorized
- Direct push by Create web service call
- Direct pull by Read web service call
- Third party port with Read followed by Create. The 3rd party model is best when ontological/data mapping is needed.
- Yes, simple CRUD operation, provided that it is authorized
- Can data be ported between the system and a different system? (how?)
- Yes, simple CRUD operation, provided that it is authorized
- Issues of interoperability may in reality hamper porting between totally dissimilar systems. The third party port approach can address this problem by acting as a gateway.
- How are users authenticated with the system? (e.g. username/password, etc.)
- No particular method mandated
- Single Sign-On approach, with IdP deciding authentication method, within legal-contractual framework
- Strong authentication supported, e.g. Yubikey or other one time password tokens
- eID or client certificate based authentication supported without adverse effect on privacy
- Can the system act as an IdP? (e.g. SAML2, OpenID Connect, etc.)
- Yes, TAS3 Architecture specifies SAML2 and OpenID Connect IdP roles
- Multiple IdPs are foreseen to exist and they need not be run by Trust Network operator. Rather any number of trusted third parties can exist in the ecosystem.
- TAS3 Architecture specifies how IdP Proxying can be used to create a "federation of federations"
- Can the system act as an RP? (e.g. SAML2, OpenID Connect, etc.)
- Yes, TAS3 architecture specifies SAML2 and OpenID Connect RP (SP for SAML2) roles
- Anonymity? Pseudonymity? Veronymity?
- Pairwise pseudonymous by default for best privacy protection with reasonable functionality
- Strong anonymity can be supported through transient identifiers, but was not seen as a valuable use case. We rather see strong forms of pseudonymity being what most users mean by "anonymity"
- Pairwise Pseudonymous Identifiers (PPIDs) at all layers: SSO, Web Services, including deep call chains, Authorization, Reputation, and Audit trail
- Veronymity in case of abuse supported by court order to IdP or relevant Attribute Provider
- Upfront veronymity supported by an option to disable pseudonyms and use a globally unique identifier for a particular transaction
Security and permissioning
- Security model for accessing personal data?
- All accesses require security token(s) that document
- Whose data (subject)
- Who is accessing
- In case different from "whose", the delegation relationship that permits access is documented by a digitally signed token
- Which system entities are involved (client/requester and server/responder)
- All accesses pass through 4-point authorization process
- Pledged intended use and other policies
- Is request acceptable apriori, given
- Security tokens
- Intended use and other pledged policies in general
- Given the data about to be returned (after query but before returning) and its sticky policies, is request acceptable considering
- Security tokens
- Intended use and other pledged policies in particular context of the data and its sticky policies
- Attach any obligations
- Are returned obligations acceptable (reject of not, record for future performance if yes)
- All accesses require security token(s) that document
- What permissions and obligations exist?
- In general TAS3 allows various permissions languages including Permis (KENT) and XACML2
- In practise we have initially focussed on
- Intended use
- Data retention
- Subscription for rectification and deletion
- Data use notification
- How can 3rd parties request permissions to work with the system?
- They have to join the Trust Network. This typically involves a vetting procedure to keep the rotten apples out. Of course Trust Network policy could be very lax, making everything self asserted, but we do not see much value in this.
- Typically there is a simple web self service inteface to kick off the vetting process, not much more complex than subscribing to a mailing list
- 3rd party can belong to several Trust Networks simultaneously
- Typical TAS3 Trust Network accepts existing commercially issued SSL/TLS (X509) certificates. The Trust Network uses them for signatures and authentication, but it does not rely on PKI for actual trust establishment. Also Users are not required to have certificates (though they may, if they want, as in eID).
- 3rd party could also work through a Gateway partner who is a member of the Trust Network
- Gateway supports liability towards Trust Network
- 3rd party registration and liability are commercial (proprietary) matters up to the Gateway
- What events does the system deal with?
- Partner intake, suspension for bad behaviour, and potential expulsion
- User intake (and expulsion)
- Request to be forgotten
- Request for rectification
- Usage notifications
- Request to interact with a business process (e.g. to supply additional data or consent to an operation otherwise not permitted)
- How are events handled?
- Audit bus to which every entity (RP, IdP, etc.) logs summary record of transactions
- User dashboard where all pending events are visualized
- Instant messaging, sms, or email alerts to user (as configured by the user)
User interface (UI)
- How can the system be accessed / managed by users?
- Primary access is by user pointing their browser to Service Provider web site, resulting in Single Sign-On which may involve IdP authentication screen (if authentication requires interaction)
- Dashboard
- View audit trail and request more detail
- Privacy Manager / Permissions editing
- Visualize personal data and request rectification or deletion
- Tweak settings and preferences
- Inline interaction iFrames: much of the Dashboard functionality can be provided in a contextualized manner inline with the transaction or business process that requires user interaction
- Side channel interaction: the questions posed through iFrames can also be posed through Instant Messaging (IM) or other means of communcation
- Federation? Peer-to-peer patterns?
- TAS3 is intended mainly as Trust Network, or federation, technology
- Peer-to-peer models are possible through suitable definition of "federation"
- Essentially federation vs. p2p choice is not dictated in TAS3 technology, but rather by the policies that the relying parties choose to adopt. That being said, generally the federated Trust Networks are capable of carrying out higher value transactions where the strong trust, security, privacy, and audit guarantees of TAS3 come to their own.
Standards support
- SAML2 (mature)
- OpenID Connect (beta)
- Web Services
- ID-WSF2 (mature)
- WS-Security (mature)
- WS-Addressing (mature)
- WS-Trust
- OAUTH2/RESTful (beta)
- Authorization
- XACML2 (mature)
- XACML3 (alpha)
- UMA (beta)
"Meta" - Topics
- Tech Resources and Links about the system
- Official web site: www.tas3.eu
- Reference implementation: http://zxid.org
- Interoperability with other systems (tested with the reference implementation, zxid.org)
- SAML2 and XACML2 interoperability has been tested with numerous commercial and open source implementations ,
- Shibboleth2
- SimpleSAMLphp
- Ping Identity
- Symlabs
- Computer Associactes
- Sun/Oracle
- ID-WSF2 interoperability has been tested with a number of vendors
- Symlabs
- OpenID Connect+OAUTH2+UMA interoperability testing is in progress (Oct. 2011)
- SAML2 and XACML2 interoperability has been tested with numerous commercial and open source implementations ,
- Temporal Aspects: What works now, what is planned?
- SAML2+ID-WSF+XACML2 is fully mature
- OpenID Connect+OAUTH2+UMA is beta
- Acknowledgement: TAS3 project has been funded under European Commission Framework Program 7 (FP7) project number ICT-216287