Synaxaire Arabe-Jacobite
Synaxaire Arabe-Jacobite is a volume containing biographies of several saints. These include:
  • Abadios
    Abadios was a martyr of the Christian church. He was born at Bilgai in Egypt. He was a native soldier of the army who professed his faith in Jesus Christ during the reign of Diocletian at Khalakhis. He was martyred by being thrown into a rock. His feast day is on January 20. Information on him can...

  • Abakuh
    Abakuh was a martyr of Bamujeh in the Al Fayyum area of Egypt. He was a zealous Christian who was martyred for his Christianity with eight companions. His feast day is January 23. He is referenced in the Synaxaire Arabe-Jacobite.-References:*Holweck, F. G. A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints....

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