Syed Mohsin Nawab Rizvi
Grand Ayatollah Syed Mohsin Nawab Rizvi Mujtahid (1911-1969) آیت اللہ سید محسن نواب رضوی was a great Shia Scholar.
He was born on 1911 at Lucknow. His father Maulana Syed Ahmad Nawab Rizvi was also a prominent Shia Scholar and was the editor of Monthly urdu Magazine Alawarif which was published under the patronage of Nasirul millat Syed Nasir Husain Sahab (Aley Abaqat) Maulana Syed Mohsin Nawab Mujtahid was Ex Student of Madrase Nazmia and Sultanaul-Madaris.
After getting his highest Degree of Sultanul Afazil from Madrasa Sulatanul Madaris he went to Hauzae Ilmiyah Najaf, Iraq and there he satudied Darse Kharij from Ayatollah Abul hasan Isfihani,Ayatollah Syed Ziauddin Iraqi,Ayatollah Mirza Husain Naini,Ayatollah Shaikh Abdul Husain Rashti,Ayatollah Seyed Jawad Tabrezi(R.A) and he obtained Ijazae ijtihad(highest degree of islamic jurisprudence). He had a great command in Urdu, Arabic and Persian languages. During his student life in Lucknow he was the editor of an Arabic religious and literary magazine "Al-Adeeb" which was being published under the patronage of Nasirul Millat Syed Nasir Husain(R.A)During his stay in Najaf he was very popular among the Scholars of Iraq and Iran due to his extra-ordinary abilities in Arabic Literature and Fiqha (jurisprudence). After coming back from Iraq he was appointed as a Principal of Madrase Nasirya Jaunpur(U.P)India, he was the revivalist of the Nasirya in Junpur he took charge of Managing trustee of a middle School under his supervision and due to his efforts that middle School is now a leading Degree College of Jaunpur District whaich is known as "Raza D.M.Shia Degree College" of Jaunpur U.P. After Jaunpur, Maulana Syed Mohsin Nawab Rizvi was called on by then Nawab of Rampur(U.P) India to take the charge of the Madrsae- Alya(Oreiential college) Rampur(u.p) as a principal. After remaining few years as the Principal he came back to Lucknow and joined Madrase Sulatanul Mdaris Lucknow (U.P.) India as the Vice Principal. He had many of his disciples all over the world and many of them are top Orators, Writers, Teachers, Head of the departments of the Arabic faculty and Clergymen etc.
Maulana Syed Mohsin Nawab was the chief patron of monthly Urdu magazine "ALILM". He wrote many books some of them has been published and some are under publishing. He was a great Khateeb(Orater)also. He was the General Secretory of "All India Shia Majlise Ulama"[Council of Scolars].among Scholars he was known as" Mohsinullmillat". He expired on 26th Aug 1969 and buried at Imam bara Ghufran M'aaab Lucknow.
and several articles have been published in many magazines and Journals
He was born on 1911 at Lucknow. His father Maulana Syed Ahmad Nawab Rizvi was also a prominent Shia Scholar and was the editor of Monthly urdu Magazine Alawarif which was published under the patronage of Nasirul millat Syed Nasir Husain Sahab (Aley Abaqat) Maulana Syed Mohsin Nawab Mujtahid was Ex Student of Madrase Nazmia and Sultanaul-Madaris.
After getting his highest Degree of Sultanul Afazil from Madrasa Sulatanul Madaris he went to Hauzae Ilmiyah Najaf, Iraq and there he satudied Darse Kharij from Ayatollah Abul hasan Isfihani,Ayatollah Syed Ziauddin Iraqi,Ayatollah Mirza Husain Naini,Ayatollah Shaikh Abdul Husain Rashti,Ayatollah Seyed Jawad Tabrezi(R.A) and he obtained Ijazae ijtihad(highest degree of islamic jurisprudence). He had a great command in Urdu, Arabic and Persian languages. During his student life in Lucknow he was the editor of an Arabic religious and literary magazine "Al-Adeeb" which was being published under the patronage of Nasirul Millat Syed Nasir Husain(R.A)During his stay in Najaf he was very popular among the Scholars of Iraq and Iran due to his extra-ordinary abilities in Arabic Literature and Fiqha (jurisprudence). After coming back from Iraq he was appointed as a Principal of Madrase Nasirya Jaunpur(U.P)India, he was the revivalist of the Nasirya in Junpur he took charge of Managing trustee of a middle School under his supervision and due to his efforts that middle School is now a leading Degree College of Jaunpur District whaich is known as "Raza D.M.Shia Degree College" of Jaunpur U.P. After Jaunpur, Maulana Syed Mohsin Nawab Rizvi was called on by then Nawab of Rampur(U.P) India to take the charge of the Madrsae- Alya(Oreiential college) Rampur(u.p) as a principal. After remaining few years as the Principal he came back to Lucknow and joined Madrase Sulatanul Mdaris Lucknow (U.P.) India as the Vice Principal. He had many of his disciples all over the world and many of them are top Orators, Writers, Teachers, Head of the departments of the Arabic faculty and Clergymen etc.
Maulana Syed Mohsin Nawab was the chief patron of monthly Urdu magazine "ALILM". He wrote many books some of them has been published and some are under publishing. He was a great Khateeb(Orater)also. He was the General Secretory of "All India Shia Majlise Ulama"[Council of Scolars].among Scholars he was known as" Mohsinullmillat". He expired on 26th Aug 1969 and buried at Imam bara Ghufran M'aaab Lucknow.
Books Written by him in Urdu
- Ghadeer se Karbala tak
- Hadees Madeenatul Ilm(Hadees ki Sanad aur uski dalalat)
- Zaereen-e- Qaime Aley Mohammad (A.S)
- Falsafa-e- Sahro Aijaz
- Kahalike Kaiynat aur Qadeem wa Jadeed Falsafi
- Altatheer
- Mhuaabat Ahlebait-e- Tahireen (A.S) wa Gunahgar Momineen
- Diwane Shaeri (Qasaed wa Gazalyat)
Books Written in Arabic
- Almustanad (Bayyenatul Shia min masadere Ahlissunnah)
- Diwanul sher maal Mrasi Wa qasayed
and several articles have been published in many magazines and Journals