Sweet Honey in the Rock: Raise Your Voice
Sweet Honey in the Rock: Raise Your Voice is a 2005 television documentary
A documentary is a creative work of non-fiction, including:* Documentary film, including television* Radio documentary* Documentary photographyRelated terms include:...

. It was produced by Firelight Media
Firelight Media
Firelight Media is a non-profit filmmaking company founded by filmmaker Stanley Nelson and Marcia Smith, located in New York City. Firelight Media began in 1998 as an independent non-profit documentary production company that produced stories on topics that are typically underrepresented in the...

 for the PBS series American Masters
American Masters
American Masters is a PBS television show which produces biographies on the artists, actors and writers of the United States who have left a profound impact on the nation's popular culture. It is produced by WNET in New York City...


The film uses concert footage, archival stills and interviews, to chronicle the history and music of Sweet Honey in the Rock
Sweet Honey in the Rock
Sweet Honey in the Rock is an all-woman, African-American a cappella ensemble. They are an American Grammy Award-winning troupe who express their history as women of color through song, while entertaining their audience. They have together worked from four women to the difficult five-part harmony...

, a Grammy Award
Grammy Award
A Grammy Award — or Grammy — is an accolade by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States to recognize outstanding achievement in the music industry...

-winning African American female a cappella
A cappella
A cappella music is specifically solo or group singing without instrumental sound, or a piece intended to be performed in this way. It is the opposite of cantata, which is accompanied singing. A cappella was originally intended to differentiate between Renaissance polyphony and Baroque concertato...

group with musical roots combining jazz, blues and sacred songs of the black church such as spirituals, hymns, and gospel.
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