Suzy Davies (Welsh politician)
Suzy Davies is a Welsh Conservative Party
Conservative Party (UK)
The Conservative Party, formally the Conservative and Unionist Party, is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom that adheres to the philosophies of conservatism and British unionism. It is the largest political party in the UK, and is currently the largest single party in the House...

 politician, and first on the Conservative list for the region of South Wales West
South Wales West (National Assembly for Wales constituency)
South Wales West is an electoral region of the National Assembly for Wales, consisting of seven constituencies. The region elects 11 members, seven directly elected constituency members and four additional members...

 in the National Assembly for Wales
National Assembly for Wales
The National Assembly for Wales is a devolved assembly with power to make legislation in Wales. The Assembly comprises 60 members, who are known as Assembly Members, or AMs...

 election in May 2011
National Assembly for Wales election, 2011
The National Assembly for Wales election 2011 was the most recent election for the National Assembly. The poll was held on Thursday, 5 May 2011 and decided the incumbency for all the assembly's seats...

. She was elected as a member of the National Assembly for Wales
National Assembly for Wales
The National Assembly for Wales is a devolved assembly with power to make legislation in Wales. The Assembly comprises 60 members, who are known as Assembly Members, or AMs...

 for the South Wales West
South Wales West (National Assembly for Wales constituency)
South Wales West is an electoral region of the National Assembly for Wales, consisting of seven constituencies. The region elects 11 members, seven directly elected constituency members and four additional members...

 region in the 2011
National Assembly for Wales election, 2011
The National Assembly for Wales election 2011 was the most recent election for the National Assembly. The poll was held on Thursday, 5 May 2011 and decided the incumbency for all the assembly's seats...



Davies' was born in Swansea and is a former pupil of Aberdare Girls’ Grammar School and Brecon High School. Welsh-speaking Suzy went on to study law at the Universities of Exeter and Glamorgan. She has set up local Job Clubs to help unemployed people overcome barriers to work, and is a mentor with Prime Cymru, a charity which helps the over-50s into economic activity. She also trained as a mentor with Powys Challenge, which worked with young offenders and vulnerable families. She has recently joined the steering group for a new Community Land Trust, and continues to campaign for a greater role for private, voluntary and community organisations to be involved in the delivery of public services.

Office held

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