Susan Brewer Bakeman
Susan Brewer Bakeman was married to Daniel Frederick Bakeman
on August 29, 1772. She was 14 years old at the time of marriage, he was 12. She died aged 105. It was a marriage of 91 years and 12 days, the longest one on record. They also had seven children. To this day, Daniel and Susan are the only couple in the world known to have seen a 90th wedding anniversary.
Daniel F. Bakeman
Daniel Frederick Bakeman may have been the last surviving veteran of the War for American Independence . He is buried in Sandusky Cemetery, Freedom, New York....
on August 29, 1772. She was 14 years old at the time of marriage, he was 12. She died aged 105. It was a marriage of 91 years and 12 days, the longest one on record. They also had seven children. To this day, Daniel and Susan are the only couple in the world known to have seen a 90th wedding anniversary.
External links
- Susan Brewer Bakeman on Geni.com