Supreme Vehemence
Supreme Vehemence is the final album by Japanese death metal
Death metal
Death metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal. It typically employs heavily distorted guitars, tremolo picking, deep growling vocals, blast beat drumming, minor keys or atonality, and complex song structures with multiple tempo changes....

 band Vomit Remnants
Vomit Remnants
Vomit Remnants is a Japanese death metal band, founded in 1997. In December 1997 they recorded the demo In the Name of Vomit, and a year later recorded Brutally Violated. In 1999, they played at the Ohio Deathfest and did various European shows...

. It includes the first 8 tracks from their debut album, Supreme Entity, while the remaining 6 are from the Indefensible Vehemence EP

Track listing

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